
Abraham lincoln

  • Born

    Abraham Lincoln was born in what is now LaRue county, Kentucky in 1809. In a barn. Before that his sister was born in 1807. she was born in Elizabethtown Kentucky.
  • Family

    Lincoln's future wife (Marry Todd) was born in Lexington, Kentucky. Then many years later they get married and shortly after that Marry has their son Robert in Springfield, Illinois.
  • School

    Abraham Lincoln went to many different schools. but he did not finish. all the times he went to school put together would not even add up to one year. He did not go to college. Or academy. when he was 23 he separated from his dad and studied English grammar.
  • Employment

    Before becoming president, Lincoln had many jobs. One job he had was being a surveyor. That began in 1833 when a person named John Calhoun offered Abraham a job as his assistant. Lincoln's first task was to learn about surveying. Lincoln also had many other jobs including postmaster, storekeeper, rail splitter, tavern keeper, and lawyer.
  • Beliefs

    Abraham Lincoln believed that everyone was equal. So he didn't like the fact of having slaves. He was also a Christian. He also very strongly believed in the original 13 amendments.
  • What He Did

    Abraham Lincoln made it against the law to have a slave in America. That was called the Emancipation Proclamation. He also made a law that allowed a poor person in the east to obtain land in the west. which was called the Homestead act. that was made a law on May 20th, 1862
  • Poitics

    Lincoln was in the National Union Party. That was a name used by a Republican Party for the national ticket. so he was actually in the Republican party. He helped free slaves and believed in individual freedoms.
  • Public Opion