Abraham Lincoln

  • brith

    Date of Birth: Born on February 12 1809
    Place of Birth : Kentucky.
    Parents: Father - Thomas Lincoln
    Mother: Nancy Hanks
  • Moving

    The Lincoln family move to a 230 acre farm near Sinking Spring.
  • moving to another state

    The Lincoln family move to Indiana
  • legend

    Legend states that Abraham shot a wild turkey but hated the experience and never hunted again.
  • death of his mother

  • thomas marries again

    homas Lincoln marries a widow, Sarah Bush Johnston who becomes stepmother to Abraham Lincoln
  • moving into illonis

  • abe settles in new salem working as a clerk

    First political speech of Abe in favor of improving navigation on the Sangamon River.
  • lincoln becomes a candidate

  • store fails

  • Lincoln is elected to the Illinois General Assembly

  • Moves Springfield

    Establishes as a law partner of John T. Stuart
    His proposal to Mary Owens is declined
  • lincoln presents his first case before the Illinois Supreme Court

  • Gives a speech against war policy regarding Mexico

  • Speech on slavery in New Haven, Connecticut

  • braham Lincoln is elected as 16th U.S. president

  • Attack on Fort Sumter - Confederates under General Pierre Beauregard open fire marking the start of the Civil War

  • surrendering

    General Robert E. Lee surrenders his Confederate Army to General Ulysses S. Grant at the village of Appomattox Court House in Virginia
  • assasination

    resident Lincoln and his wife Mary go to Ford's Theater to see the play "Our American Cousin" . During the third act of the play John Wilkes Booth shoots the president in the head at approx 10:13 p.m.
    April 15: President Abraham Lincoln dies at 7:22 in the morning. Vice President Andrew Johnson assumes the presidency