Abraham Lincoln

  • An Abe is Born!

      An Abe is Born!
    Abraham Lincoln is born!
  • Makes his first trip to New Orleans

  • Moves to New Salem, Illinois and works as a store clerk.

  • Period: to

    Elected to Illinois General assembly as member of Whig Party.

  • Becomes a lawyer

    Becomes a lawyer
  • Moves to Springfield and begins law practice with Jonh Todd Stuart.

  • Abraham Lincoln is admitted to practice law in U.S. circuit court

  • Bagins new law partnership with Stephen T. Logan

  • He quited.

    Dissolves his law partnership with Logan and starts his own practice.
  • Victory

    Abraham Lincoln is elected to the U.S. House of Represantatives as a member of the Whig Party.
  • Going back

    Abraham Lincoln returns To Springfield to practice law in partnership with William H. Herndon.
  • Illinois

    Anraham Lincoln is elected to the Illinois legislature.
  • HOORAY!!!!

    Elected 16th president of U.S.A.!!!
  • His Speech

    His Speech
    Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.
  • The Abe has died

    The Abe has died
    Abraham Lincoln is dead.