About me

  • Life

    I get born into the world. And start your life.
  • Age 14 get a job.

    Age 14 get a job.
    Start working at a young age and get money young.
  • Age 18 go to college.

    Age 18 go to college.
    I start to learn new things for a full-time job. While working a part-time job.
  • Age 21 or 22.

    Age 21 or 22.
    Finish college mainly but can go back to get a bachelor's or master's degree while having fun at parties and going sky diving.
  • Girl friend

    I start a relationship with a girl. I care for her and love her
  • Full time job.

    Full time job.
    I start a full-time job for more money. I need money to buy a ring for my girlfriend.
  • I get engaged

    I get engaged with your soon to be wife.
  • Gather more money for wedding

    I need more money for a wedding so it can be perfect.
  • Wedding

    I buy clothes and go get married in Italy.
  • We go on our honey moon

    We need a break from work and planning after everything.
  • We have a child at age 28

    We have a child at age 28
    We care for the child for the next 18-21 years.
  • I retire

    I retire at age 55 after tirelessly working since age 14 paid off so I could retire early.
  • I go on vacations

    I go on vacations
    Every two years I and my wife go on vacation and relax for the rest of our lives.
  • Death

    I die at age 88 but my wife cremates me and has a nice funeral for me.