Abolitionist timeline

  • Northwest Ordinance is passed prohibiting slavery in territories

    Northwest Ordinance is passed prohibiting slavery in territories
  • Pennsylvania Amends law forbidding the trading of slaves across state borders

    Pennsylvania Amends law forbidding the trading of slaves across state borders
  • U.S. Congress enacts the fugitive slave law requiring the return of escaped slaves

    U.S. Congress enacts the fugitive slave law requiring the return of escaped slaves
  • Benjamin rush is elected the president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society

    Benjamin rush is elected the president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society
  • All states north of maryland abolished slavery. Southern States still use slavery in order to maintain economy

    All states north of maryland abolished slavery. Southern States still use slavery in order to maintain economy
  • Parliament outlaws British participation in the African Slave Trade

    Parliament outlaws British participation in the African Slave Trade
  • United States outlaws American participation in the African Slave Trade

    United States outlaws American participation in the African Slave Trade
  • Federal law is passed requiring the inspection of passenger ships in order to ensure better travel conditions for mostly slaves

    Federal law is passed requiring the inspection of passenger ships in order to ensure better travel conditions for mostly slaves
  • The first organized emigration of U.S. blacks back to Africa from New York to Sierra Leone formally named the back to Africa movement

    The first organized emigration of U.S. blacks back to Africa from New York to Sierra Leone formally named the back to Africa movement
  • Segregated public schools open in Philadelphia for Free blacks

    Segregated public schools open in Philadelphia for Free blacks
  • The first National Negro Convention convenes Philadelphia for the first time

    The first National Negro Convention convenes Philadelphia for the first time
  • William Lloyd Garrison began publishing the Liberator, which is the most famous anti- slavery newspaper

    William Lloyd Garrison began publishing the Liberator, which is the most famous anti- slavery newspaper
  • Philadelphia blacks organize the vigilante committee to aid and assist fugitive slaves

    Philadelphia blacks organize the vigilante committee to aid and assist fugitive slaves
  • Frederick Douglass releases his narrative about his life beginning his career as a public advocate

    Frederick Douglass releases his narrative about his life beginning his career as a public advocate
  • War with Mexico adds significant western territory to the United States and opens a new arena in the fight to check the spread of slavery.

    War with Mexico adds significant western territory to the United States and opens a new arena in the fight to check the spread of slavery.
  • The Compromise of 1850 includes a controversial Fugitive Slave Law that compels all citizens to help in the recovery of fugitive slaves. Free blacks form more Vigilance Committees throughout the North

    The Compromise of 1850 includes a controversial Fugitive Slave Law that compels all citizens to help in the recovery of fugitive slaves. Free blacks form more Vigilance Committees throughout the North