
Back In Revolutionary Time

  • Jamestown settled

    Jamestown was the first succesful colony, and marked a new era.
  • House of Burgesses established

    The first representative assembly in the American colonies.
  • First Slaves in Jamestown

    The first slaves arrive in Jamestown, and is the start to the slave trade in English America.
  • Pilgrims landed at Plymouth

    The Mayflower, the ship the Pilgrims sailed on, went off course and ended up reaching Plymouth, Massachusetts. They decided to stay.
  • Slavery Reconized

    Massachusetts becomes the first colony to recognize slavery as a legal institution in 1641 Body of Liberties.
  • First navigation acts

    The first of many acts that strained the relationship between England and the colonies
  • 10 years

    Rhode Island declares an enslaved person must be freed after 10 years of service.
  • Born into Slavery

    A Virginia court decides a child born to an enslaved mother is also a slave.
  • Agitation

    George Fox, generally called the founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), influences agitation among Quakers against slaveholding by Society members when he speaks against slavery on his visit to North America.
  • Expansion

    The King of England charters the Royal African Company, thereby encouraging the expansion of the British slave trade.
  • Marquette and Joliet explore the Mississippi

    They explored the Mississippi River and found that it was easy to travel from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico on it.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    The first violent protest to England's laws/acts.
  • Bacon's Influence

    Nathaniel Bacon (Bacon's Rebellion) appeals to enslaved blacks to join in his cause.
  • Prohibitation

    Slavery is prohibited in West New Jersey, a Quaker settlement in current day South New Jersey.
  • Protest

    In Germantown (now Philadelphia, PA.), Quakers and Mennonites protest against slavery. During this period, these groups worshiped together.
  • English Bill of Rights passed

    The bill limited the crowns power.
  • Salem Witchcraft Trials

    Innocent men and women were put to death for witchcraft.
  • Becoming larger

    'An Exhortation & Caution to Friends Concerning the Buying or Keeping of Negroes' by the Philadelphia Monthly Meeting is published in Philadelphia.
  • Great Awakening

    The religious revival in the colonies.
  • Albany Plan of Union rejected

    The plan was to make a unified government in the colonies
  • French and Indian War begins

    Known also as the Seven Years' War, the French and Indian War was a war between France and England. The colonies were greatly effected by this since it occured in North America.
  • It's Everywhere

    Publication in Germantown (PA) of Anthony Benezet's pamphlet, 'Observations on the Inslaving , Importing and Purchasing of Negroes', the first of many anti-slavery works by the most influential antislavery writer of '18th century America'.
  • 1763 Treaty of Paris

    The treaty ended the French and Indian War.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The proclamation forbade colonists to settle West of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Stamp Act Passed

    The act possed a direct tax on written documents and letters. It was heavily disliked in the colonies.
  • Townshed Acts Passed

    A series of acts that the colonies found to be unfair.
  • Boston Massacre

    During protests, Brittish soldiers opened fired on civilians. The event was perfect for propaganda when campaigning for independence.
  • Intolerable Acts Passed

    In response to the Boston Tea Party, Brittish Parliment passed a series of punitive laws. It was also a key part to the outbreak of revolution in the next year.
  • First Continental Congress

    The meeting of delagates for 12 colonies, Georgia wasn't represented, to respond to the recent intolerable acts. One outcome was the boycott of Brittish goods in the colonies.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    American Patriots fight the battle and win. It is known as the shot heard around the world, and was the beginning of the American Revolution.
  • Second Continental Congress

    This assembly of delegates, of all thirteen colonies, came together in the summer of 1775 and worked on the war effort.
  • Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery

    Founding of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery (PAS), the world's first antislavery society and the first Quaker anti-slavery society. Benjamin Franklin becomes Honorary President of the Society in 1787
  • Stand Up, Speak Up

    Thomas Paine speaks out against slavery and joins the PAS with Benjamin Rush.
  • Slavery Not Included

    A slavery clause was proposed for inclusion in the Declaration of Independence. Since slavery was such a debated topic, the clause wasn't included.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The colonies declared independence in this document. Also, it included it the famous part of 'Every man is created equal'.
  • France joins the war

    French aid is being delivered in the American Revolution and is a critical part to the victory of the war.
  • Spain joins the war

    Spain actively supported the colonies in the revolution and provided aid to the war efforts.
  • Gradual Emancipation Act

    Gradual Emancipation Act passed in Pennsylvania. It was the first attempt by a government in the Western Hemisphere to begin an abolition of slavery.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation was a temporary government until the war was over.
  • 1783 Treaty of Paris

    The Patriots had succeeded in defeating the world's super power. The treaty was signed in Paris. America was free!
  • Stepping Stone

    Publication in London of John Marrant's book, 'A Narrative of the Lord's Wonderful Dealings with John Marrant, a Black Man', the first autobiography of a free black.