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"Stamped - Giana"

  • 1415

    Prince Henry's Caper

    Prince Henry's Caper
    Prince Henry was the son of King John of Portugal. He convinced King John to capture the main Muslim trading deport from the northeastern tip of Morocco(22)
  • Period: 1415 to

    History of Racism and Antiracism

  • 1474

    The World's First Racist

    The World's First Racist
    Gomes Eanes de Zurara wrote a book and became the first defense of African slave trading. (23)
  • 1554

    First Known African Racists

    First Known African Racists
    Johannes Leo was the first Africanus or Leo the African(27)
  • "Ordering a Families"

    "Ordering a Families"
    William Perkins argued that slave was just a part of a loving family unit that was ordered in a particular way. (31)
  • Richard Matter

    Richard Matter
    He took Aristotle idea and flipped it into a new equation, substituting "Puritan" for "Greek" (33,34)
  • Richard Mather

    Richard Mather
    Richard Mather's ministers and started building churches in Massachusetts, but more importantly, they built systems. (32)
  • Nathaniel Bacon

    Nathaniel Bacon
    Nathaniel Bacon declared the liberty of all servants and Black were the same class and should be united against the true enemy of rich white people. (43)
  • Metacomet

    Menttacomet is a Native American war leader that was killed in 1676 from a battle, Puritan's cut up his body like savages as if it were a hog's and paraded his remains around Plymouth. (42,43)
  • Vanini's

    Vanini's theory was that the Germantown Petition Against Slavery was the first piece of writing that was antiracist among European settlers in colonial America. (41)
  • Cotton Mather

    Cotton Mather
    The revolution in 1688 which was called the Glorious Revolution wasn't so glorious for him. It made him fear and angry that causes him to create a new villain as a distraction.(49)
  • Zuara-Cotton Mather's

    Zuara-Cotton Mather's
    Zurara-Cotton Mather's ideas and writing about Boston had become the intellectual capital of the new America, and tobacco was taking off so which means they need more slaves. (51)
  • Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards
    Jonathan Edward was the First Great Awakening, which swept through the colonies in the 1730s (53)
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Frankin is known to be in the $100 bill. He started a club called the American Philosophical Society in 1743 in Philadelphia. The club was for smart white people that are in the Enlightenment era, light was seen as a metaphor for intelligence. (57)
  • Phillis Wheatley

    Phillis Wheatley
    Phillis Wheatley was under a microscope for being special because she was a poet, she was never a working slave and she was homeschooled (59)
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was a young man that didn't think of them as less or consider slavery much at all. Also, Jefferson might be the world's first White person to say "I have Black friends" (58)
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was elected to be the Second Continental Congress and he sat down to pen the Declaration of Independence that said that "All men are created equal".(68)
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The declaration Thomas Jefferson wrote resulted in years of violent struggle with the British. More importantly, it is exposing a weak American government. (72)
  • Gabriel Prosser

    Gabriel Prosser
    The Prossers were planning a slave rebellion, recruiting hundreds of slaves to revolt in Virginia. Hundreds of them were being captive supposed to march on Richmond, where they would steal four thousand unguarded muskets, arrest the governor, and hold the city until other slaves arrived from surrounding countries to negotiate the end of slavery and the establishment of equal rights. (79,80)
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson said that they could never assimilate because they were inferior by nature. The freedom of slave would result in extermination because the problem of slaves should be sent back to Africa. (70)
  • Robert Finley

    Robert Finley
    Robert Finley started an organization called the American Colonization Society (ACS). He wrote the manifesto for it outlining how free blacks would need to be trained to take care of themselves so that they could go back to Africa and take care of their motherland. (81)
  • Robert Finley

    Robert Finley
    Robert Finley is the American Colonization Society that was still functioning at full throttle. He was trying to free slaves so they can go back to Africa and set up their own colony. (95)
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson started breeding slaves forcing their men and women slaves to conceive children so that the slave owner could keep up with all the farming demands of the Deep South. Slaves were being treated like human factories, birthing farming machines. (83)
  • David Walker

    David Walker
    David Walker had written a pamphlet called An Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, that argued against the idea of Black people were made to serve White people. (96)
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    William Lloyd Garrison
    William Lloyd Garrison was a man that has power and privilege and he is not afraid to try. One of the greatest series of coincidences led him to becomes a central figure in the conversation around race and abolitionism. (93)
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    William Lloyd Garrison
    William Lloyd Garrison was called it quits, he believed that because emancipation was imminent, his job as an abolitionist was done. His team shifted their focus to Black voting. (118,119)
  • John C. Calhoun

    John C. Calhoun
    John C. Calhoun was a senator from South Carolina. He was fighting even for Texas to become a slave state in the 1844 election. (102)
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    Frederick Douglass in June 1845 publish something called The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. It talks about his life and gave firsthand account of horrors of slavery. (103)
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Harriet Beecher Stowe
    Harriet Beecher Stowe became the J.K Rowling of slave books, her story was drawing more northerners to the abolitionist movement than the writings and speeches of Garrison and Douglass did in the 1850s. (107)
  • Davis Jefferson

    Davis Jefferson
    Davis Jefferson was voted in their own president, he declared that Black people should never and would never be equal to White which lead to the Civil War where slaves wanted to fight against their slave owners and therefore they joined the Northern solider in battle. (114)
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was labeled the Great Emancipator, but really is that Black people were emancipating themselves. By the end of 1863 four hundred thousand Black people had escaped their plantations and found Union lines, which means that four hundred thousands Black people found freedom. (116)
  • Ending Civil War

    Ending Civil War
    In April 1865 the cilvil War finally ended, Abraham Lincoln delivered his pan for reconstruction that Black should have the right to vote. (117)
  • Jim Crow

    Jim Crow
    Jim Crow laws haven't made Black people's lives miserable. The politicians didn't take advantage of them like milking them for votes to gain power, only to slap Black People back down. If the media hadn't continued pushing the racist narrative then it would put Black people's lives at risk. (161)
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    Andrew Johnson reversed a lot of Lincoln's promise allowing Confederate states to bar Blacks from voting, and making sure their emancipation was upheld only if Black people didn't break laws. Black codes-social codes used to stop Black people from living freely-were created. They would quickly evolve into Jim Crow laws, which were laws that legalized racial segregation. (119)
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe's

    Harriet Beecher Stowe's
    The idea of Harriet Beecher Stowe's was that Black people had more soul than White and were better at creative things. (168)
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    Andrew Johnson did everything he could do to keep Black people as free slaves. Black people had to fight to build their own institutions. On February 3, 1870 the Fifteenth Amendment was made offical that so no one could be prohibited from voting due to race, color, or previous, condition of servitude. (121,122)
  • Franz Boas

    Franz Boas
    Franz Boas had become one of America's most prominent anthropologist and had been drawing similarities between the way his people were mistreated in Germany and the way Black people were being mistreated in America. (138)
  • Ida B. Wells-Barnett

    Ida B. Wells-Barnett
    Ida B. Wells-Barnett published a pamphlet in 1892 called Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases, she found only a third of Black men lynched had actually ever been charged with rape, to say nothing of those who were innocent of charge. White men were lying about Black-on-White rape and hiding their own assaults of Black women. (132)
  • Jack Johnson

    Jack Johnson
    Jack Johnson was the most famous Black man in America. He'd beaten the brakes off every White boxer, and in December 1908, he finally got shot at the heavyweight title. (151)
  • Du Bois

    Du Bois
    Du Bois decided to work with Villard to form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). (163)
  • Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Edgar Rice Burroughs
    Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote a book to reinforce the idea of White supremacy and to remind White men that Africans were savages. It was called Tarzan of the Apes. (154)
  • Jack Johnson

    Jack Johnson
    Jack Johnson had too much power. Power to defeat White men. Power to be with White women, and just like with the Haitian Revolution, White people were afraid all Black men would feel just as powerful, and that was a no-go. They arrested him on trumped-up charges for trafficking a prostitute. (154)
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson enjoys the first-ever film screening in the White House of Hollywood. The first blockbuster film was The Birth of a Nation. The film was based on a book called The Clansman. (159)
  • Booker T. Washington

    Booker T. Washington
    The way Booker T. Washington protested was being referenced for the movie called The Clansman where during the time allegations of rape were often being used as an excuse to lynch Black men. The rooter for the stereotype of the savagery was that the Black man and the preciousness of the White woman. (160)
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    Marcus Garvey was looking for Du Bois in the NAACP office, he got confused about whether the NAACP was a Black organization or a White one because no one that is dark-skinned worked there. It was like only Black people who could succeed in America were biracial or lighter-skinned. The talented tenth were the only Black people of value, such as an assimilationist. (163)
  • Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes
    Langston Hughes poets were one of the prominent poets that a group of artists that emerged in 1926 who called themselves the Niggerati. In his poets, he declared that if a Black artist leaned toward Whiteness, his art wouldn't truly be their own. (170)
  • Claude G. Bowers

    Claude G. Bowers
    Claude G. Bower is an editor for New York Post. He confirmed a book he wrote called The Tragic Era: The Revolution After Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln's reconstruction if spun correctly, could be used as a way to play upon the hatred of racist White People. (171)
  • Du Bois

    Du Bois
    Du Bois believed in being like White people eliminates threats so that Black people could compete. Washington believed in eliminating thoughts of competition so that White people wouldn't be threatened by Black sustainability. (134)
  • Du Bois

    Du Bois
    In 1934 Du Bois published an article that would rock everyone, the piece was called Segregation. In his article, he was arguing for Black safe spaces, the spaces that would resist and fight against the media storm of racist ideas that came year after year. (175)
  • J. Edgar Hoover

    J. Edgar Hoover
    J. Edgar Hoover is the director of the FBI. He launched a war to destroy the Black Power movement that year. All they needed to do is to cut Davis down to know that she was part of the Communist Party. (215)
  • Malcolm X's

    Malcolm X's
    Malcolm X was a minister in the Nation of Islam, a religious organization that focuses on the liberation of Black people through discipline, self-defense, community organizing, and a fortified understanding of who Black people were regardless of White people's opinions. (185)
  • Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah and Kenya's Jomo Kenyatta

    Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah and Kenya's Jomo Kenyatta
    Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah and Kenya's Jomo Kenyatta was a young revolutionary who would go on to lead the African decolonization movements, which were meant to remove colonial leaders. The delegates did not make the politically racist request of past pan-African congresses of gradual decolonization, as if Africans were not ready to rule Africans. (178)
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    President John F. Kennedy addressed the nation or the world, rather than summoned Congress to pass civil rights legislation, but it didn't stop him from the momentum of the long-awaited March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. (186)
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson

    Lyndon Baines Johnson
    After Lyndon B. Johnson became the president, the civil rights bill Kennedy had been working on would be passed. On paper, it would mean that discrimination on the basis of race was illegal, but actually, on the paper, it meant that White people even those in favor of it could then argue that everything was now fine.(193,194)
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X
    By 1964 Malcolm was saying that the word Negro was to describe Black assimilationists, and Black was for the antiracist, removing the ugliness and evil that had been attached to it. In their own assimilationist parents and grandparents, who would rather be called "nigger" than "black" (203)
  • Alex Haley

    Alex Haley
    Alex Haley was writing a book, in his book he argued that White people weren't born to be racist, it's America that was built to make them that way. If they wanted to fight against it, they will have to address it with the other racist White people around them. (199)
  • President Johnson

    President Johnson
    What president Lyndon B. Johnson did after the Civil Right Act, it came the Voting Right Act of 1965. The Voting Rights Act would become the most effective piece of antiracist legislation ever passed by the Congress of the United States of America. (200)
  • Dr. King

    Dr. King
    In 1967 Dr. King had realized that desegregation was good only for the elite Black people while everyone else was harmed by it. It had left millions of drowning in poverty. So what King did was he switched gears and started planning the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's Poor People's Campaign. (208)
  • Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale

    Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale
    Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale composed a ten-point platform of things they were fighting for in the newly founded Black Panther Party for Self Defense. They policed the police, provided free breakfast for children, and organized medical services and political education programs among a series of other initiatives. (205,207)
  • Angela Davis

    Angela Davis
    On October 13, 1970, Angela Davis was arrested and was charged with murder. She was brought to the New York Women's House of Detention. If she was found guilty then she will be sentenced to death. While she was there people around her were Black and Brown incarcerated women, she began to develop her Black feminist theory. (218)
  • Heathcliff Huxtable

    Heathcliff Huxtable
    In Heathcliff Huxtable families he was being convince that White people that Black families were more than what they were being portrayed to be because of racist Black families didn't operate like the Huxtable, they weren't worthy of respect.(228)
  • Audre Lorde

    Audre Lorde
    Audre Lorde produced an essay, stories, and poems from the perspective of being Black and lesbian. She expected to educate White people, men, and/ or heterosexuals in order for them to recognize her humanity. (221)
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Two year after Rea gan became the president he got into one of the most devastating executive in the twentieth century. There was a war on drugs. His role maximum punishment for drugs like marijuana. The war mainly on Black people and at the time drug crime was declining. (225)
  • Bill Cosbys

    Bill Cosbys
    In 1989 Bill Cosbys didn't do anything to slow Regan's war because if anything that show helped then it will create a more polarizing view. In Black generation Black children are born from drug-addicted parent, saying they were now destined for inferiority. These people were subhuman. (228,229)
  • George Holliday

    George Holliday
    A White man named George Holliday had shot the most influential racial film of the year on March 3. He was filming a twenty-five-year-old Black man called Rodney King, being brutally beaten by four Los Angeles police officers. (232,233)
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    President Bush has disagreement in the issue, pointing out that Black Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas, to replace Thurgood Marshall, as if they were supposed to pacify an angry and hurt Black community. Clarence Thomas was the worst assimilationist because he saw himself as the King of self-reliance, A "pick yourselves up ny the bootstraps" kind of guy. (233)
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Ten day after president Bill Clinton endorsed he created a new law and it stated that A "three strikes and you're out" in the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, it giving a hard time to certain three-time offenders, which ended up causing the largest increase of the prison population in the US history. (237)
  • Mumia Abu-Jamal

    Mumia Abu-Jamal
    Mumia Abu-Jamal was a famous Black male political prisoner. He was being convicted of killing a White police officer in Philadelphia in 1982, but even through he was being claim that he was innocent. A book of his commentaries was published that year called the Live from Death Row, his execution was to be August 17,1995, but because of the protests Mumia was being granted as indefinite stay of execution. (243)
  • John J. Dilulio

    John J. Dilulio
    In 1995 when the term super predator was created the Princeton University Scholar John J. Dilulio. He was describing Black fourteen-seventeen year olds people as murder rate among the age range but so was unemployment. It was also the biggest political mobilization in Black American history it took place in the Million Man March.(242)
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    Ten of thousands of Black voters in Governor Jeb Bush's Florida were barred from voting or had their votes destroyed. Which this is allowing George W. Bush to win his brother's state by fewer than five hundred votes. (248)
  • Charles Murray

    Charles Murray
    Charles Murray started the rally voters and campaign for the Republicans. He is encouraging and rationalized for anti-welfare bill called the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. (241)
  • President Bush

    President Bush
    In September 11, 2001 after three thousand Americans heartbreakingly lost their lives in attack on the World Trade Center, on the Pentagon on United Airlines Fight 93 that went down in Pennsylvania, President Bush condemned that "evil-doers," the insane "terrorists" all the while promoting anti-Islamic and anti-Arab sentiments. (249)
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack Obama delivered a message to address at the Democratic National Convention in Boston on July 27, 2004. In his speech he talked about people in any inner-city neighborhood can't teach kids to learn. They know that parents have to teach the children can't achieve unless they raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white. (251)
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    In 2004 Barack Obama made a public intelligence , morality, speaking ability, and political success, as such the extraordinary Negeo hallmark that had come a mighty long way from Phillis Wheatley to Barack Obama, who became the nation's only African American in the US Senate in 2005. (254)
  • Michelle Obama

    Michelle Obama
    The racist commentator became obsessed with Michelle Obama's body, her near 6 foot chiseled and curves frame simultaneously semi-masculine and hyper-feminine. (257)
  • Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tomato

    Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tomato
    Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tomato is the founder of Black Lives Matters as a direct response to racist backlash in the form go police brutality. The Black Live Matter had quickly transformed from an antiracist love declaration into an antiracist movement filled with young people operating in local BLM groups across the nation, often led by young Black women. (261,262)