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  • 1415

    Prince Henry's Caper

    Prince Henry's Caper
    Prince Henry's goal was to "capture the main Muslim trading depot [in] Morocco" (22).
  • Period: 1415 to

    History of Racism and Antiracism

  • 1450

    The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea

    The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea
    According to Kendi and Reynolds, "Zurara was the first person to write about and defend Black human ownership" (25).

  • 1450

    World's first African Racist

    World's first African Racist
    al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi who was enslaved and freed by Pope Leo X and later "converted him to Christianity, named him Johannes Leo" was the first African to openly go along with European Racism (26).
  • 1577

    Cursed theory

    Cursed theory
    English travel writer George Best determined that "it couldn't have been the climate that made darker people inferior, and instead determined that Africans were, in fact, cursed" (30).
  • Jamestown's First Slave

    Jamestown's First Slave
    In August 1619, a Spanish ship called the San Juan Bautista was hijacked by 2 pirate ships. The ship was carrying 350 enslaved Angolans. The pirates took 60 of the Angolans and headed to the east (36).
  • Richard Mather's arrival

    Richard Mather's arrival
    Richard Mather was a Puritan who came to America to practice a "more disciplined and rigid" (32) form of Christianity.
  • Cotton Mather was Born

    Cotton Mather was Born
  • "Voluntary" Slaves

    "Voluntary" Slaves
    In Richard Baxter's writing he argued that he "believed slavery was helpful for African people" And "even said there were 'voluntary slaves,' " (39).
  • Creation of White Privileges

    Creation of White Privileges
    In response to Nathaniel Bacon's uprising, local government decided to give "all Whites [...] absolute power to abuse any African person" (45).
  • First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies

    First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies
    The Mennonites were against slavery because they "equat[ed]" (41) discrimination based on skin color to discrimination based on religion/
  • The Witch Hunt Begins

    The Witch Hunt Begins
    When Parris's nine-year-old daughter suffered convulsions and chokes, he believed she'd been possessed or cursed by a witch. The witch hunt began (50).
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    "First Great Awakening, which swept through the colonies in the 1730s, spearheaded by a Connecticut man named Jonathan Edwards" (53).
  • American Philosophical Society

    American Philosophical Society
    In 1743, Franklin started a club called "the Philosophical Society" in Philadelphia. It was basically "a club for smart (White) people" (57).
  • The (American)Enlightenment

    The (American)Enlightenment
    After Cotton Mather's death, his followers continuing his legacy, the new America entered, now called the Enlightenment era (56).
  • John Wheatley's test

    John Wheatley's test
    John Wheatley got 18 of the smartest men in America together in Boston so that they could test his adopted daughter to "see if a Black person could really be as intelligent and literate as Phillis" Even though no one would publish her, but "Wheatley's achievements still proved a point, that black people weren't dumb" (60-61).
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    "All men are created equal" neither if he mean it or not, that wasn't the case (68).
  • The Three Fifths Compromise

    The Three Fifths Compromise
    "Every five slaves equaled three humans" (73).
  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    In August 1791, about half a million enslaved Africans in Haiti rose up against French rule and won. Haiti became the first Eastern Hemisphere's symbol of freedom, (75) and that scared a lot of slave owners in America.
  • (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising

    (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising
    "The revolt was scheduled for Saturday, August 30, 1800. But two cynical slaves-snitches-begging for their master's favor, betrayed..." (80).
  • Jefferson's Slave Trade Act

    Jefferson's Slave Trade Act
    "He brought about a new Slave Trade Act. The goal was to stop the import of people from Africa and the Caribbean into America, and fine illegal slave traders" (82-83).
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise of 1820 admit Missouri as a slave state, and admit Maine as a free state to make sure that there was an equal amount of slave and free state(86-87).
  • Thomas Jefferson's Death

    Thomas Jefferson's Death
  • Garrison's First Abolition Speech

    Garrison's First Abolition Speech
    Garrison was unafraid to speak out against colonization, he wrote a pamphlet arguing against the idea that Black people we made to serve White people( 95-96).
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    He was a slave and preacher, "he was called upon by God to plan and execute a massive crusade, an uprising that would free slaves..."(98).
  • AASS Abolitionist Pamphlets

    AASS Abolitionist Pamphlets
    A group of abolitionists, AASS stands for American Anti-Slavery Society (99).
  • Frederick Douglass' Narrative published

    Frederick Douglass' Narrative published
    A book that outlined Douglass' life and Gabe a firsthand account of the horrors of slavery (102-103).
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom believed that we must all be slaves to God, And since "Black people made the best Slaves(to man) they made the best Christians" (104-108).
  • Start of Civil War

    Start of Civil War
  • The Emancipation

    The Emancipation
    The Emancipation is "a bill passed that declared all Confederate-owned Africans who escaped to Union lines or who resided in territories occupied by the Union to be 'forever free of their servitude' " (115-116)
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
  • 40 Acres and a Mule

    40 Acres and a Mule
    Pennsylvania congressman, Thaddeus Stevens fought for the redistribution of land to award former slaves forty acres to work for themselves. (120)
  • The 15th Fifteenth Amendment
