Abe was born
On this day Abarham Lincoln was born. He was born in a small long cabin in Hodgenville, KY. His parents, Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. -
Lincoln is elected in the House of Represenitive
Abarham Linclon won his first election in the HOR, where he had lost once before. He would eventually run 4 terms in the house. As he moves his way up he will gain more and more respect. -
Abe got married
On this day Abarham Linclon married Mary Todd. Together they had 4 kids together. They lived together in Springfield, IL. -
gets his first paton
Not only was he into politics, Lincoln was also an inventor. He invented a devive to lift boats over sand bars. He is the only president in U.S history to have a paton to his name. -
Inaugurated as President
On this day Abarham Lincoln was inaguragted as president. He was the 16th president of the United States of America, and was president during the civil war.He servced one term as president. -
Emancipation Proclamation
On this day the emancipation proclamation proclamation went into effect. This was a document that freed all slaves in states rebellioning the Union that Linclon had signed. The pourpose of this was not to free slaves b ut hope southerm states would return to the Union to keep their slaves. -
Made thansgiving a nationl holiday
On this day Lincoln made thanksgiving a national holiday.Thanksgiving had always been celebtrated but it had never been an offical hoiliday. Thanksgiving is always on the last thursday of Novemeber. -
Gettyburg adress
On this day Abarham Lincoln gave the gettysburg adress. This was to honor the soliders that had fallen fighting for the Union and honor those still fighting. The site later became a graveyard for the soliders. -
Lincoln was reelected for his second term as president. At the begining of the election Lincoln was very unpopular, but after a Union win Lincolns popularity increased massivly. Lincoln won the election by a landslide. -
Lincoln is assasinated
On this day Abarham Lincoln was assasianted by John Wilkes Booth. He was at Fords theater watching a play when John came up from behind and shot him in the head. He would not die till the day after he was shot. He was 56 when he died. -
Lincoln was burried.
On this day Linclon was burried, but before being burried his body was transported through 180 cities. Millions of americans would come to see the train crying his body. He is now burried in what is called Lincolns tomb.