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The Path to Freedom
This is the timeline for Apartheid in South Africa from 1948-2007. Location Mankoff Center for Jewish Learning (2nd floor JCC)
7900 Northaven Road
Dallas, TX Created By PJ Library Dallas -
General History of Apartheid
The defiition of apartheid is: system of racial segrigation peculiar to the republic of South Africa. Ver wood started apartheid. Some leaders of Apartheid were Steve Biko, Frederick Willem De Klerk, and Jan Christiaan Smuts. The aim of apartheid was to maintain white domination while extending racial seperation. Race laws touched every aspect of social life including marrige and jobs. -
History of Apartheid
Apartheid started in 1948. D.F. Malan led the National Party. There were three racial categories Bantu (black African), colored(mixed races) and white and then later came Asian and Indians. They assigned races to different residental and business sections in urban areas. -
The Population Registration Act of 1950
The Population Registration Act of 1950 was introduced by William De Clerk in 1950. It had a big impact on South Africa, and its history. First thing that's important about this act is everyone who lived in South Africa had to be registered by the color of there skin, there were three groups: black African, white, and colored of mixed decent. Also, in most areas you could only go there if your color of skinned people were allowed to go. The Population Registration Act of 1950 was very unfair. -
Hendrik Verwoerd
Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd is remembered as the "Father of Apartheid." In 1950, Hendrik Verwoerd became the minister of native affairs in South Africa. This was when he passed all the laws that degraded the black population. In 1958, he became the prime minister of South Africa. He was part of the National Party. He was assissinated by Demetrio Tsafendas in 1966 because Hendrik Verwoerd was a man that degraded other people in a cruel way. -
Bantu Authorities Act
The Bantu Authorities Act of 1951 was for apartheid. Blacks and Whites had their own homelands. The segregation got worse and racial discrimination laws and seperation laws took effect through South Africa. Blacks were not the only people who were discriminated against. Aisians, Indians, and Coloreds were also seperated. -
Bantu Education System
This was a law passed that enforeced segregated schools. The government wanted to limit opportunites of non-whites. This was related to apartheid because they thought that whites were superior to blacks. If at all the certain school wanted money they would have to teach their kids how whites were better. These minority schools where over-flowing with kids. Some classes had eighty kids. Later on there was an uprising in Soweto because the government tried to force students to learn Afrikaans. -
Freedom Charter
The Freedom Charter was the key document in the struggle against Apartheid. It was adopted on June 26, of 1955 in Kliptown Soweto. Blacks in South Africa were being treated very poorly as oppose to whites, this is why it was written. The government of the day saw the charter and the ANC as treason and banned them. This didn't stop people though, the African National congress finally came to power in 1994 and a new constitution was written. -
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was a very important man, who helped start many antiapartheid groups and associations. He was put in jail for being a main leader of these groups but he then got bailed out. Mandela kept working with these groups no matter what. This eventually got him put in jail once again, but this time for a life sentence. President F. W. Dekterk got him out, and all other people that were put in jail for antiapartheid reasons. Later in his life he became the 1st black president. -
Soweto Uprisings
On June 16,1976, a group of students embarked on what should of been a peaceful march. These native student were protesting the Bantu Education Act. They wanted to have fair education. The march was going well until the police opened fire after they asked the students to stop marching. 26 people were killes in that riot. In the following 16 months, more students all over South Africa started protesting. The protests against the Bantu Education Act continued. These uprisings killed 700 people. -
F.W De Klerk
De Klerk was the seventh and last president of aparttheid-era in South Africa. De Klerk is best known for engineering the end of the apatheid-era. De Klerk released Nelson Mandela from prison along six others. He won the Noble peace prize along with Nelson Mandela. In 1997 he retired from politics. In 2000 De Klerk established the pro-peace F.W De Klerk foundation. De Klerk was special he was white guy against segregation -
African National Congress
The African National Congress, or the ANC, has a very big background history that had a major effect on Africans and it still has an effect today. Some of th ANC's beliefs, accomplishments, and failures were a very interesting and big part of the over throwing of the apartheid. The people and leaders running and following the ANC believed to try to solve injustice against black South Africans at the hands of the current government. -
nelson mandela
nelson mandela was the first first black president of South Africa and in the year 1990 he ran for president and in the year 1994 he became president. nelson mandela made lots of changes in South Africa but his main thing he changed was he made blacks and whites equal. everyone now had the same rights, they could get the same jobs, shop and the same stores, and more. -
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu was first awarded the honor of being the archbishop of Cape Town from 1986 to 1996. He was then awarded the Nobel Peice Prize for his hard work fighting against apartheid. Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the head of The Truth and Reconciliation Commission by Nelson Mandela in 1995. He spent those years working hard to try to end apartheid. He eventually retired in 2003 after apartheid finally ended. -
Jacob Zuma becomes President
Jacob Zuma had no formal schooling as a child but was brought up in politics at an early age. Mr. Zuma has played many diffrent roles in the ANC such as Deputy Chief Represenative and Chief of Intelligence Department. He follows the Zulu tradition and is a polygamist. Also, he was charged of rape and corruption the 1990's. Most of his supporters are the poor and oppressed people of South Africa along with his fellow Zulu's. He will remain in office until 2014.