Baby Birth
King Sosa Jr. was born on March 21, 2011. -
King Sosa at 12-15 Months : Physical
King Sosa is able to stand and pull himself up on objects. -
12-15 months : Congnitive
King Sosa began saying two or more words & follows simple directions with gesture. -
King Sosa at 16-18 : Cognitive
Sosa likes to be read to and says five to ten words . He remembered where objects belong & also has a short attention span. -
King Sosa 16-18 Months : Physical
He started jumping with both of his feet and and improved his throwing motion. Sosa is now able to walk fast and run stiffly. -
King Sosa 19-21 Months : Physical
At this point sosa was able to run without falling, & he loved to jump, run, and climb! -
King Sosa 19-21 Months : Cognitive
My Sosa was very creative during these months. He enjoyed jigsaw puzzules and likes to make marks on paper. -
KIng Sosa at 22-24 Months : Cognitive
He was very intrested in obects in the enviroment, he recognizes when a book or picture is upside, and he finally started follwing simple directions. -
22-24 Months : Physical
He started walking with coordination & assurance. Walked backwards with ease, and he can throw a ball over his head. -
King Sosa 24-30 Months : Physical
During this time Sosa loved playing on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment. Began opening doors with door knob and climbed on everything. -
24-30 Months : Cognitive
Sosa remembered the sequence of stories and able to retell them. He also LOVED childrens tv shows. -
King Sosa 30-36 Months : Physical
Enjoyed games that involve running. Goes upstairs alternating feet , but goes down one at a time. Liked to walk on his tiptoe. -
30-36 Months : Cognitive
He became very skilled at putting puzzles together, and he loved to recognize hisself in photographs. He also began to classify objects in general categories.