A Timeline of the History of Computing

By SkyED
  • 101


  • Period: 101 to 200


    Also called a cpunting frame.
    Computing tool used in anceint Europe, China, and Russia.
    Consists of rows of moveable beads that represent digits, that are manipulated to perform the four basic operations and/or roots.
    First design was rows of beads on a flat surface, now it is rows of beads on a rod.
  • Napier's Bones

    Napier's Bones
    John Napier
    Manually operated computer, used to perform products and quoteints.
    Using the multiplication rods, addition can be used to do multiplication and subrtaction can be be used for division.
    The devise includes a base board with a rim.
  • Slide Rule

    Slide Rule
  • Period: to

    Slide Rule

    William Oughtred
    Mechanical analog computer, used for multiplication and division.
    Before the electronic calculator, this was mostly used for sceince and engineering.
    Most are linear or circluar, and not intended ofr drwing or measuring.
  • Pacaline

  • Period: to


    Blaise Pascal
    First calculator to be produced in quantity and used regularly.
    designed to add and substract 2 numbers, and do multiplication and division bt repeating addition and subtraction.
    Innovated it so each independant of eachother.
  • Stepped Reckoner (Designed)

    Stepped Reckoner (Designed)
    Gottfried Leibniz
    A digital mechanical computer invented by a german mathematician.
    Epanded on Blaise Pascal's ideas ( multiplication by repeated addition and shifting)
    The first calculator that could perform all four of the arithmentic operations.
  • Stepped Reckoner (Built)

  • Jacquard Loom (Idea)

    Jacquard Loom (Idea)
    Joseph-Marie Jacquard
    A divise that simplifies the the proccess of making textiles.
    The base of the modern automatic loom.
    The machine had a bunch of punch cards laced together, multiple holes were punched into each card with one card representing one row of the design.
  • Jacquard Loom (Public)

    Declared public property.
  • Augusta Ada Byron

    Augusta Ada Byron
  • Period: to

    Augusta Ada Byron

    She's considered the first computer programmer.
    She was intruduced to babbage by a mutual freind, thats when she started beconing interested in his work.
    Translated an articles written by Babbage and added some of her own notes.
  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    Charles Babbage
    Designed to calculate polynomial functions by using small sets of coefficients.
    Does additions, but can perform other operation by addition operation.
    Simple mechanical computer.
  • Arithmometer (Built)

    Arithmometer (Built)
    Thomas de Colmar
    First digital mechanical calculator strong enough for daily use in office environment.
    Needed a new machine to keep up with the demand to perform repetative operations more efficiently.
    Addition, subtraction , multiplication, and division.
  • Analytical Engines

    Analytical Engines
    Charles Babbage
    Considered first computer.
    Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
    Mechanical digital computer.
    Has the memory and storage equal to a CPU.
  • Scheutzian Calculation Engine (Invented)

    Scheutzian Calculation Engine (Invented)
    Based of charles babbage difference engine.
    He constructed the machine with his son, Edvard Scheutz.
    The machine could not produce a complete table.
  • Scheutzian Calculation Engine (Finalized)

  • Period: to

    Scheutzian Calculation Engine (Improved)

    Received funds from the government to improve.
    Imporve model release 1853.
  • Scheutzian Calculation Engine (Reworked)

    Martin Wiberg reworked the engine and created a compact device, that could complete tables.
  • Tabulating Machine

    Tabulating Machine
    Herman Hollerith
    Designed to assist summarizing information stored on punch cards.
    For 1890 U.S. Census.
    Later models used for accounting and inventory control.
    Spawned data processing industry.
  • Period: to

    Z1 (Designed)

    Monitor-driven mechanical computer .
    Binary electrically driven mechanical calculator- limited programmability.
    First freely programmable computer.
    Unreliable in operation.
  • Havard Mark 1 (Concept)

    Havard Mark 1 (Concept)
    Howard Aiken
    Original concept was presented to IBM by Howard Aiken.
  • Z1 (Completed)

    Z1 (Completed)

    John von Neumann
    Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer.
    One of the earliest electronic computers.
    Binary rather than decimal.
    Binary serial computer with automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and programmed division.
  • Period: to

    ENIAC (Built)

    Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.
    First programmable general-purpose electronic digital computer.
    Once the instructions were “programmed” it would run at electronic speed.
    Disadvantage- took days to rewire after each new problem.
  • Havard Mark 1 (Initiated)

    Howard Aiken
    General purpose electromechanical computer.
    First programs run on Mark 1 was initiated by John von Neumann.
    Computer and printed mathematical tables.

  • The Transistor

    The Transistor
    Semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power.
    Basic building blocks of modern electronics.
    Some are individual, some are embedded in integrated circuits.
  • UNIVAC 1 (Invented)

    UNIVAC 1 (Invented)
    Universal Automatic Computer.
    First commercially produced digital computer.
    The fifth machine was used by CBS to predict the results to the 1952 presidential election.
    The first American computer designed for business and administrative.

    John Backus
    General purpose, compiled imperative programming language.
    Numeric computation and scientific computing.
    Originally design in the 1950’s by IBM.
    Scientific and engineering applications.
  • Period: to

    Slide Rule (Growth)

    Continued to popularize when computers were being introduced.
  • Computer Chip

    Computer Chip
    Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce
    Processing and memory units of modern digital computers
    First version developed by Jack Kilby.
    Secomd developed by Robert Noyce.
    Uses binary.
  • COBOL (Designed)

    COBOL  (Designed)
    Grace Hopper
    Common Business-oriented language.
    Mostly used for business, finance, and administrative.
    Based on programming language FLOW-MATIC.
    Designed to create a portable programming language for data processing.
  • COBOL (Standardized)

  • The Mouse

    The Mouse
    Douglas Engelbart
    x-y position indicator for a diyplay system.
    Originally use two seperate wheels to rack movement across a surface.
    The standard design used a ball rolling ona surface to detect motion.
  • The Floppy Disk

    The Floppy Disk
    Alan Shugart
    Common in the late 20th century.
    Used in Electronic and software programs.
    Made of a thin, flexable odisk of a magnetic storage medium, stored in a square plastic closure.
  • Radio Shack's TRS-80

    Radio Shack's TRS-80
    One of the earliest mass-produced and mass-marketed computers.
    It became know as the tinker computer for ethusiasts because of its keyboard bouce issues and troublesome expansion interface.
    It lacked support for ASCII cahracter set (ex. lowercase letter) making businesses not wanting to put it in their offices.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak
    8-bit home computer.
    One of the worlds first successful mass-produced micro computers.
    Marketed audiance was American Households, not intended for businessmen.
  • Ehternet (Commercial)

    Ehternet (Commercial)
    Robert Metcalfe
    The ethernet is a family of wired computer and networking technologies.
    The original used a coaxial cable as the shared medium, the newer ones use a twisted pair and fiber optic links with switches.
    The Ehtnernet is mostly used in homes and industryies.
  • IBM Acorn

    IBM Acorn
    Twelve engineers met in florida to design and build Acron.
    IBM popularized the PC (Personal Computer).
    Most modern personal computers are descendants of the IBM PC.
  • Ethernet (Standardized)

  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    A group of proprietary graphical operating system families.
    Outshined Mac OS when Windows first launched, and is still the most popular operating system in all counrties.
    Microsoft introduced Windows becuase of the growing interest in graphical user interfaces.
  • Mac OS X

    Mac OS X
    A prprety graphical operating system dveloped and marketed by Apple.
    The second most popular desktop, after Windows.
    It was originally named OS X but then got changed to macOS the match the other operating systems, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
  • iPhone

    One of the two largest phone platforms in the world.
    the first iphone was considered a "game changer" and "revolutionary".
    The iphone is know for popularizing the smartphone.
  • Chromebook

    The chromebook uses chrome OS as it operating system.
    In december of 2013, samsung launched their version of the chromebook made for the Indian Market.
    In January 2015, chromebook announced their first big screen chromebook.
  • Molecular Informatics

    Molecular Informatics
    A new papdigm for data and storage, rerteval, and processing.
    Doesn't use binary, it aims to have a wider rnage of stuctural characteristics and properties of molecules to code and manipulate data.
    This allows a design space beyond the binary system.