Pittman Shorthand Training Program
A by mail correspondence course offered to women by the Phonographic Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio. -
Society to Encourage Studies at home
Founded by Anna Tickner -
Chautauqua Correspondence was established by William Rainey Harper -
Colliery School of Mines
In 1923 becaome International Correspondence School. This school was used to teach originally mine safety and later provided certifications for iron and rail workers. By 1923 they had had 2.5 million students. -
First College level distance learning program
Offered by the University of Chicago -
Farmers Distance learning
Extensions Department of the University of Chicago distance education targeted at farmers. -
Home Economics for credit
Martha VanRensselaur begins offering home economic courses both for credit and not for credit. In 5 years more than 20,000 women enrolled in her programs. -
Invention of the radio for home use
The introduction of radio into homes aloud for a different media to distribute distance education. -
First educational radio liscences
University of Salt Lake City, University of Wisconsin, and University of Minnesota were all granted educational radio liscences. -
National Home Study Council founded
The National Home Study council was founded to help monitor and insure quality control to distance learning programs. -
39 Universities offering correspondece courses
By the year 1930 39 different universities were offering classes by mail. -
Tv Correspondence Courses
University of Iowa offers correspondence cource by television -
United States Army Institute
From 1941-1974 the armed forces offered correspondence courses to military personel. -
Instructional television fixed services founded
AIM project founded
The articulated instructional media program, founded by Charles Wedemeyer at the University of Wisconsin, offered adult degree programs from 1964-1968. The project really delved into ways to incorporate modern media in distance learning. -
Public Broadcasting Act is passed
Independent studies
Around this time, universities started refering to correspondence cources as "Independent Study". -
First fully televised college course
Offered by Coastline Community College, which had no actual campus. -
Microprocessor developed
The invention of the microprocessor would change 100 years of distance learning in a little over a decade. Set the stage for the rapid growth and diversity of distance learning, -
German FernUniversitat
Still in the forfront of distance education, Germany opens FernUniversitat whose goal is to foster lifelong learning. -
Satellite communication becomes affordable
In the early 80s satellite technology that was built in the 1960s becomes affordable and is used for corporate training functions. -
First State Educational Satellite system
Learn Alaska was developed to reach places that were sometimes only reachable by air. -
National University Teleconferce Network established
They used satellite to transmit program to 40 different institution members. -
Online college degree courses emerge
National Technical University offers full online degree course -
University of Phoenix founded
Still remains one of the most popular online universities today. -
World WIde Web
British computer scientist and mathmatician, Tim Berners-Lee introduces the world to the World Wide Web. -
First fully online university is accredited
Jones International University becomes the first online college to be accredited by the Higher Learning Commitee. -
The Distance Learning Education Demonstrative founded
The U.S. Department of education launches program to study the most effective ways of administering distance education, -
Blackboard and Webct merge
Blackboard and Webct merge becoming the leading provider in software applications for educational purposes. -
**Pam Valz realizes that distance education is her key to returning to college**
I finally realized that with the surge of online degree programs, I could manage being a single full time working mom and still get my degree! -
Coursera Launched
This nonprofit global virtual university was founded by two Stanford professors and even has a mobile app. Participants are charged nothing and are given certifications at the completions of programs to show potential employers and in some cases can receive university credit for taking these classes. -
British Open University
British Open University, which still operates today and is responisible for 21% of the distance learning in Great Britain, opens its doors.