A Timeline of Remote Learning

  • Remote Learning By Mail

    Remote Learning By Mail
    Educator Caleb Philips posts an advertisement in the Boston Gazette that offers to mail weekly lessons and correspondence to those who interested in furthering their education.
  • Broadcasting Radio and Televised Courses

    Broadcasting Radio and Televised Courses
    Delivering educational courses to those listening at home grew in popularity due to developments/access to radio and television. By 1923, educational institutions owned over 10% of all radio stations. The University of Iowa became the first university to offer television broadcasts of courses.
  • Computer Managed Instruction

    Computer Managed Instruction
    Patrick Suppes pioneered Computer Managed Instruction using IBM 1500 hardware. He used this platform to supplement math instruction in elementary aged students.
  • First Online School

    First Online School
    CompuHigh became the first accredited school to deliver online instruction. This platform became the world's first way to attain a high school degree for English-speaking students in the US and internationally soley through remote learning. This platform would continue to inspire many other similar platforms to come. The idea of online school continues to be enticing for students who are homeschooled, at risk students, and those who perform better in a non traditional setting.
  • Covid's Impact of Remote Learning

    Covid's Impact of Remote Learning
    Teachers across the world are asked to implement remote learning while schools are closed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although many teachers and students are familiar with using technology to supplement education, few had relied on a strict remote learning workplace. This left many teachers scrambling to reevaluate their teaching style in order to adjust to the demands of online learning.