Images (17)

a over view timeline

By jdmhoez
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    fifteen amendment stated that anyone can vote any race, color, gender. on febuary 3, 1870.
  • assassination of franz ferdinand

    assassination of franz ferdinand
    on jun 28th, 1914 the assasination of franz ferdinand of austria and his wife occuried. the killer was gavrilo princip. the reasoning for the shooting was to break off austrias slav provinces so they could grow with sebria.
  • completion of the panamal canal

    completion of the panamal canal
    building from 1904 to 1914. traffic has risen since the building of it. 815,000 ships have passed through it.
  • us entry in the war

    us entry in the war
    oct 13th 1914 the us entered world war 1. after keeping out of the world the us finally entered it after several events thats occuried.
  • treaty of versailles

    treaty of versailles
    the treaty of versailles was one of the many peace treaties to end world war 1 for good and forever. it ended the fighting between germany.
  • the 19th amendment

    the 19th amendment
    the 19th amendment give the irghts to women to vote. america is now becoming more equal to genders and race. anyone can vote not to be determained by sex gender.
  • hitler enters poland

    hitler enters poland
    germanys army enters poland to take it over. the germans invaded from every direction closing in on them focing them to fight back.
  • japan bombs pearl harbor

    japan bombs pearl harbor
    on dec 7th, 1941 japan bombs the u.s. the reasons behind the attack was to destroy americas largest millatry base. also to keep americqa out of world war 1.
  • execution order 9006

    execution order 9006
    this is an order by the united states by the president during world war 2.the president franklin signed this to otherize certain war zones.
  • US drops bomb on japan.

    US drops bomb on japan.
    on october 14th, 1945 the soviet union started a war with japan. a atomic bomb was dropped on japan killing 60,00 man women and children. the japanesse surrenderd shorlyafter that on august 14.
  • first military advisors

    first military advisors
    this was put in place to help french in the battle against communist in vietnam.
  • march on wshington

    march on wshington
    the march of washington was a huge day in history it made every human the same rights not being judged and treated diffrently due to race and color. on that day martin luther king jr. gave his i have a dream speech hitch changed america.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    the president of the united states was assassinated on november 22nd 1963. in texas while in the car with his life shot point blank.
  • US sends troops into vietnam

    US sends troops into vietnam
    october 14th 1965 merica took action and took a stand. the vietnmense called this a coloanry war because it was a war against france.
  • MLK assassination

    MLK assassination
    april 4th 1968 martin luther king jr was killed. the leader of the black movement and the auther of 'i have a dream" the killer was james earl ray.
  • vietnam war ends

    vietnam war ends
    the war ended due to the case church amendment passing. the us congree passed it.
  • USSR

    the soviet union was involved withthe colfict in afganastan. the US supports afganastan
  • U.N resolution 678

    U.N resolution 678
    this resloucion won al countries voted for it the one ones that voted against it was cuba and yemen.
  • US bombs iraq

    US bombs iraq
    america bombs iraq on january 17th 1991. the conflict still continues today. the ground attack took place on febuary 23rd moving in closer to complete war.
  • U.N declares vitory

    U.N declares vitory
    president bush delcred a won battle on may 1st against iraq. weapons were not found and bullet holes were not found in the bodys that laid dead.