Lhasa apso

A History of the Lhasa Apso Breed

  • 700 BCE

    One of the Oldest Dog Breeds in the World

    One of the Oldest Dog Breeds in the World
    The Lhasa Apso is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. They originate in Tibet as guard dogs for monasteries and noble homes and could be given as gifts but never sold (The Lhasa Apso – Breed History) as they were closely linked to Buddha and believed to be his mythical Lion Dogs.(Staff, 2021) The first written description of them comes from the 7th century BCE.( Lhasa Apso 2020)
  • First Recognizable Description in the UK

    The UK has reports of the Lhasa Apso as early as 1901 with a description of one by Sir Lionel Jacob. At this point all three of Tibet's smaller dog breeds were listed together as the Lhasa Terrier, distinguished only by their differing sizes.(The Lhasa Apso – Breed History)
  • Champion Status

    Champion Status
    The first Lhasa Apso gained Champion status in the UK show circuit. Though they were still classified as Lhasa Terriers along with the Tibetan Terrier and the Tibetan Spaniel. (The Lhasa Apso – Breed History)
  • First (Official) Appearance Outside of Tibet

    First (Official) Appearance Outside of Tibet
    There are contradicting dates for when Lhasa Apsos appeared outside of Tibet. Some say it was as early as 1854. (The Lhasa Apso – Breed History) Most agree it was sometime in the 1900s. The first Lhasa outside of Tibet belonged to Charles Suydam Cutting, an American adventurer and dog lover, who exchanged gifts of dogs with the Dalai Lama in 1930.(Staff, 2021) Others believe that white adventurers stole Lhasa Apso puppies and brought them over at various times, but there is no verifiable source.
  • The Tibetan Breeds Association in the UK

    In 1934 the Tibetan Breeds Association was established as a way of helping to distinguish the different Tibetan dog breeds.(The Lhasa Apso – Breed History)
  • The American Kennel Club Recognizes the Lhasa Apso

    The American Kennel Club Recognizes the Lhasa Apso
    The AKC officially recognized Lhasa Apsos as a breed in 1935.(Staff, 2021) They were originally placed in the Terrier group but were later moved to the Non-Sporting group.
  • The Lhasa Apso Breed Breaks from the Tibetan Breed Association

    The Lhasa Apso Breed Breaks from the Tibetan Breed Association
    In 1956 the Lhasa Apso had gained enough popularity and standing as its own breed to break away from the UK's Tibetan Breed Association and form the Lhasa Apso Club in the UK.(The Lhasa Apso – Breed History)
  • Lhasa Apso Renamed

    The Lhasa Apso got renamed in the UK to the 'Tibetan Apso' in order to fit the naming scheme of the other Tibetan breeds: Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Spaniel, Tibetan Terrier.(The Lhasa Apso – Breed History)
  • Lhasa Apso Regains Its Name

    The 'Tibetan Apso' was renamed back to 'Lhasa Apso' in 1970 and the Lhasa Apso Club of the UK was formalized into the organization it is today. (The Lhasa Apso – Breed History)
  • First Lhasa Best In Show

    First Lhasa Best In Show
    Ch Saxonsprings Hackensack became the first Lhasa Apso to win Best In Show at Crufts in the UK in 1984. (The Lhasa Apso – Breed History)