Period: to
History of Special Education
Brown vs. Board of Education
President: Dwight D. Eishenhower
ruled seperation of facilities is inherently unequal
led to desegregation of schools -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
President: Lyndon B. Johnson
funds primary and secondary education
emphasizes equal access and establishes high standards and accountability -
Pennslyvania Association for Retarded Children vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
President: Richard Nixon
first right to education suit in history
ruled the state provide free public education for the children with mental retardation -
Mills vs. Board of Education of District of Columbia
President: Richard Nixon
ruled no child could be denied public education due to mental, physical, or emotional disabilities
and that schools can not be excused due to insufficent funds poor administration these problems can not bear any more weight upon a child with a disability or a child without one -
Rehabilitation Act (section 504)
President: Richard Nixon
guarantees certian rights to people with disabilities
prohibits discrimination of anyones whose mental or physical impairment limits one or more major life activity
airports, colleges, universities and public libraries were some of the first to become fully accessible -
Education for All Handicapped Chidren Act
President: Gerald Ford
required public schools to provide equal access to education and one free meal a day for children with mental and physical disablilities -
Technology Related Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities Act
President: Ronald Reagan
to increase access to, availability of, and funding for assitive technology -
Americans With Disabilities Act
President: George H. W. Bush
civil rights law prohibiting the discrimination of Americans with disabilities also requires employers to provide reasonable accomodations and impose accessibility requirements on public accomodations such as a restroom -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
President: George H. W. Bush
ensures students with a disability are provided a Free Appropriate Public Education tailored to their individual needs
replaces the Education for All Handicapped Children Act -
No Child Left Behind
President: George Bush
requires public schools who recieve funding to administer a statewide standardized test