American School for the Deaf
This was the first school created for children with disabilities in America. -
Period: to
A History of Special Education in the U.S.
Compulsory Education for All Children
Rhode island mandates that all students, regardless of ability receive an education provided by the government. -
Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind (O.L.)
Colombia Institution was the first college in the world allowed to grant students with disabilities college degrees. -
National Association for Retarded Children (O.L.)
NARC was created and ensured that all legal and litigation processes for people with disabilities were achieved. -
Kennedy is Elected
Kennedy starts to address the need for research, funding, and training to improve educational access for students with disabilities -
The Elementary and Secondary Education act is created
This helped financially underprivileged children receive an adequate education. -
Johnson Signed the Medicare and Medicaid bill
This allowed people with disabilities to receive funding for medical care. -
Christmas in Purgatory
The book Christmas in Purgatory showed the nation the inhumane conditions of facilities for people with disabilities -
Integration Into Public Schools
Documents were drafted in order to integrate students with disabilities into public schools. -
PARC vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
This court case ruled in favor of the students with disabilities and ensured that they were placed in public schools that met their education level. -
In the Mills v. Board of Education of D.C.
This court case resulted in the mandatory inclusion of students with disabilities in accessing publicly funded education. -
Section 504
This section in the Rehabilitation Act is the first to protect students with physical or mental disabilities. -
The Education for All Handicapped Children (O.L.) mandates that all students with disabilities receive a public education. They were also guaranteed supplemental services and a least restrictive environment among other beneficial resources. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA was passed by George W. Bush and guaranteed all citizens equal rights regardless of their disability. -
IDEA is Passed
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was passed by George W. Bush. This act guarantees students and education that is specifically catered to their educational needs. -
Born into a Family of Educators
Almost all of my family are educators or work in schools. I grew up hearing about IEP's and 504's before I knew what that even meant. -
No Child Left Behind
NCLB was passed by George H.W. Bush. This act put extra emphasis on making sure students were reaching proficiency in math and reading. This changed the way that students were taught and put extra pressure on them to perform well on exams. Personally, the repercussions of this act changed the way I viewed schooling and education. -
I entered my first public school setting as a kindergarten student. -
Substitute Teaching
I began my long term PE substitute assignment and first experienced teaching students with a range of physical and mental disabilities. -
Accepted into the SSU Credential Program
I was accepted into the multiple subject credential program and registered for my first class regarding teaching students with special educational needs.