A Brieft History of Gifted Education

By jbdwosh
  • William Torrey Harris institutes efforts to educate gifted students

    William Torrey Harris institutes efforts to educate gifted students
    This first-know effort to provide systematic efforts to educate gifted students recognizes the fact that gifted students need additional services beyond what is provided to the general student population.
  • Binet-Simon Intelligence tests are created.

    Binet-Simon Intelligence tests are created.
    Even thought the initial purpose for the development of intelligence tests was to identify children of lower intelligences, these tests became a significant tool for identifying children of mch higher intelligence as well.
  • Leta Hollingworth begins the "Special Opportunity Class"

    Leta Hollingworth begins the "Special Opportunity Class"
    This special class started by Leta Hollingworth at P. S. 165 in New York City is the basis for her research regarding methods for education gifted students. From the research gathered in the class, Leta published the book "Gifted Child: Their Nature and Nurture", considered the first textbook on gifted education, as well as a multitude of additional articles. This class was also the basis for the Spyer School that Leta opened at P. S. 500 in New Your City school in 1936.
  • The Maryland Report

    The Maryland Report
    The Maryland report, issued in 1972 provides the first formal definition of giftedness. This is a greoundbreaking definition that includes categories of giftedness beyond intellectual talent. It is also the basis for the definition of giftedness used in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (NCLB), when it was reauthorized in 2002
  • Public Law 94-142

    Public Law 94-142
    The passage of Public Law 94-142, known in education circles as IDEA, mandated services for students with special needs. However, gifted students were not included in the law. This is a significant event in the history of gifted education because this law prioritized services for students with special needs, while implicitly stating that services for gifted students were not as important. So, while students with special needs received the services they deserved, gifted students remained without.
  • Pre-K to Grade 12 Gifted Program Standards Established

    Pre-K to Grade 12 Gifted Program Standards Established
    This is the first set of standards providing gidance for programs serving gifted students. Again, while guidelines were established in 1975 for students with other special needs, it took an additional 23 years for gifted students to see specific program support on a federal level.