L. teaching

A Brief history of language teaching

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    Grammar Translation

    Grammar was thought as set of rules. Practice was done trough written excercices, vocabulary via translated lists, speaking and listening were seen as less important.
  • Direct Method

    Direct Method
    Speaking and listening were most important skills. The medium of instruction was english. Grammar rules were avoided and replaced by phrases. Its still the method used of lower-level teaching.
  • Audio lingual method + structuralist view of language

    Audio lingual method + structuralist view of language
    Its a scientificised version of the direct method. The grammar's focus was in structures. Excercises for writing were multiple choice and for listening were listen and repeat
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    Humanistic Approaches

    Started to take in account affective factors in language teaching.
  • Communicative Methodology

    Communicative Methodology
    The main reason was the separation of classroom work into ‘accuracy’ work and ‘fluency’ work. The first was for concentrating on learning new bits of language (grammar, vocabulary etc.). The second was for getting the students to speak freely.
  • Funcional syllabuses

    Funcional syllabuses
    Decide to group bits of language according comunicative functions, like apologising, requesting, advising.
  • Structural situation method

    Structural situation method
    Was a pragmatic version of audio-linguism. Gave reason to the idea of PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production)
  • Test-Teach-Test Method

    Test-Teach-Test Method
    -Test-Teach-Test was a variation of traditional PPP. Test phase: the students are given a task without any prior teaching. Teach phase: The teacher control the mistakes the students made in the previous activities to explain them to the learners. Test phase: the students do further practice exercises.
  • Task-based approaches

    Task-based approaches
    It is a methodological idea which attempts to get away from PPP altogether. The students are given communicative task to prepare for, these task require them to ask the teacher to give them whatever language bits they might need to fulfill the task.
  • Lexical views of Language

    Lexical views of Language
    Academic linguistics noticed that the language was full of set phrases, we teach lexical chunks rather than single items of vocabulary. A big challenge is how to prevent the lexical approach dominating teaching to the detriment of the other components of the language learning task such as grammar, syntax and phonology.
  • Noticing

    There is a relationship between what the teacher teaches and what the students learn. Appears the concept of REFORMULATION, It is the process of assimilation by the students is an unknowable and invisible.
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    It is an attitude of mind based on the idea of autentic communicative activites in the classroom
  • Grammaticisation

    It helps the students to see Grammar in its global, and truly communicative context.
    Grammaticisation permits to see how each student's individual internal Grammar is progressing
  • The Modern Integrated Language Teacher

     The Modern Integrated Language Teacher
    It is able to use any approach from the past as long as it is appropiate and useful. The term principled integration forces us to remember that everything has come from what has been before, and that everything that has gone before remains relevant today