Conception -
2 Months
Contact comfort developed -
1 Month
Secure vs. Insecure Attachment develops -
3 Months
Baby is in sensorimotor stage -
First 8 Weeks of Development
Develops heart, circulatory system, limbs, eyes, nose, organs, etc. -
4 Months
Develops attachement to mother -
5 Months
Imprinting may happen -
8 Months
Develops stranger anxiety -
8 Months
Baby now sits -
8 Months
Develops seperation anxiety -
3 Months
Baby enters sensorimotor stage -
2 Years Old
Tripled from birth weight -
2 Years Old
Child enters preoperational stage -
15 Months Old
Baby now walks -
5 Years Old
Develops basic motor skills -
7 Years Old
Child enters concrete-operational stage -
13 Years Old
Child enters formal-operational stage