History of wind turbine

  • windmill

    This is the oldest wind turbine it is built because for using natural resources. img:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_turbine
  • The first automatice wind turbine

    The first automatice wind turbine
    This is the first and only automatice wind turbine it is changed because it is for the thing to move automaticly and not use wind to make the (weel) turn. It use the same idea of the first wind turbine. img:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_turbine
  • The fourt wind turbine

    The fourt wind turbine
    You can say that it is perfect but it is still a model same as the third one but it changed alot by using matirals that are new or very new. img:http://www.windturbine.net/
  • The newest technology for wind power

    The newest technology for wind power
    This is the most powerful & newest machine for wind power.It is more larger more perfect.it is 10 times powerful than the third one.It is like the third one but they put more format more technology or machinesa inside. img:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_turbine
  • wind turbine

    wind turbine