Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
This granted the United States control of a canal zone 10 miles wide across the Ithmus of Panama in return for garunteed independence for Panama and the agreement to pay the same fees offered to Columbia. -
Roosevelt Corollary
This policy warned Latin America to keep their affairs in order or face American intervention -
Taft Katsura Agreement
Recognized Japan's dominance over Korea in return for its promise not to invade the Phillipenes -
General Victoriano Huerta takes over Mexico
Huerta ousted Madero, threw him in jail, arranged for his murder, and took over Mexico. He was recognized immediately by most European nations, but Wilson refused to recognize him. -
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian thorne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, is assassinated by a Bosnian. -
World War I begins
United States Treaty with Nicaragua
Wilson negiotiated a treaty to grant the United States exclusive rights to build a canla and lease sites for naval bases -
Lustinia torpedoed
A passengers ship was sank by the Germans and killed 1200 people. -
Sussex Pledge
Germany promised to shoot on sight only ships of the enemy's navy. -
Election of 1916
Wilson wins reelection over Charles Evans Hughes on the campaign "He kept us out of war." -
United States enters World War I
United States undividedly enters the war after the Zimmerman Telegram -
War Industries Board
This organization oversaw the production of all American factories and was headed by millionaire Bernard Baruch -
Espionage Act
This act imposed sentences of up to 20 years in prisons for persons found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing recruiment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty. -
Selective Service Act
Provided for the registration of all men between the ages of 21 and 30. -
American soldiers reach France
The first American soldiers reach France. The following year, 300,000 men were there and by the war's end 2 million men were there. -
Fourteen Points
Wilson outlined fourteen points he wanted to make at the meeting for the treaty of versailles of his peace conditions -
War Labor Board
This agency standardized wages and hours annd protected the right of labor to organize and bargain collectively. -
Eugene V. Debs imprisoned
Debs is inprisoned after he gave a speech against the war that was in violation of the Espoinage Act -
Sedition Act
This act imposed harsh penalties to anyone using disloyalm profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the government, flag, or armed forces uniforms. -
Election of 1920
Wilson G. Harding, the Republican candidate, becomes president.