90's Computer History

  • Period: to

    90s Computer Timeline

  • Talkboy

    The tallboy was the first handheld voice recorder. It allowed you to record your voice and play it back.
  • Playstation

    In 1994, the first playstation was made. This gaming console was the first to ship more than 100 million units. It used CDs which allowed for high-fidelity full-motion video. This started the movement from 2D to 3D.
  • Pager

    This was the first pager introduced by Motorola. It allowed two-way personal messages that received text messages and e-mails. Users were able to respond with standard responses.
  • MP3 Player

    MP3 Player
    In 1997, the first MP3 player was launched. It was the first portable media player, that played digital audio files. This advancement later led to the development of iPods and eventually music on your cell phone.
  • iMac

    This was the first iMac that was introduced. Although it was still a bigger computer compared to the laptops we use today, it used a laptop memory which influenced the laptops we have today.