Period: to
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Great Britain and the United States were empored to build an Isthmian canal. -
Russo-Japan War begins
This war was fought over the conflicting ambitions of the two nations. -
Roosevelt Corollary introduced
This policy warned Latin American nations to keep thier affairs in order or face American intervention. -
Taft-Katsura Agreement occurs.
This agreement recognized Japanese power in Korea. -
US fleet circumnavigation
Roosevelt sennds the United States' fleet around the world, to show power. -
Mexican Revolution begins
This occurred because Porfirio Diaz was overthrown as President. -
Panama Canal was completed
The canal was completed after ten years of construction. -
World War I begins
The war was a clash between England, France, and Russia agianst Germany, the Austro-Hungarain Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. -
Lusitania sunk
A German U-boat torpedoed this ship full of Ameicans, which infuriated the United States. -
Arabic pledge
The Germans agreed to restrict their submarine warfare, in America's favor. -
1916 Elections
Woodrow Wilson beats Hughes with the slogan "He kept us out of war". -
Sussex Pledge
This pledge clarified what the German U-boats could or could not shoot. -
Pancho Villa Expediton begins
This expedition was led by Pershing and it's goal was to capture Pancho Villa, who was reeking havoc along the border. -
U-boat warfare
Germany continues unrestricted U-boat warfare. -
America enters the war
America declares war on Germany after the U-boat affairs and the Zimmerman letter. -
American troops arrive in Europe
The first American troops arrive in France late in the war. -
Espionage Act passed
This act discouraged aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty. -
Sedition Act passed
This act imprisoned anyone using disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the gavernment, flag, or armed forces uniforms. -
War Armistice
This ended the fighting in World War I with the allies as the victors. -
Election of 1920
Warren G. Harding won the election over James Cox for president.