The road to World War Two

By mjt
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed officially ending The First World War. The treaty confiscated large amounts of German territory, forced them to pay reparations to the victorious powers and limited their future military size.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    The increasing discontent in German society at the economic sanctions imposed by the Western powers and the perceived complicity of the Weimar government culminates in an attempted coup d' etat by the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party). The attempt was a failure and resulted in the imprisonment of the ringleaders including Adolf Hitler.
  • Writing of Mein Kampf

    Adolf Hitler writes his memoir/manifesto whilst in prison. It outlines his ideas for the future of the Germanic race, his plans for the resurgence of Germany and places the blame for Germany's failure in WWI on a Jewish conspiracy.
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

    The overwhelming popularity of the Nazim party in Germany leads the ailing Paul Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor hoping his popularity would galvanise the regime.
  • Annexation of the Rhineland

    German army reclaims areas on the French border confiscated at Versailles.
  • Anschluss

    Germany absorbs Austria.