Waitin for boo at the zoo

My Life!!!

  • My Birthday

    This is an example of infancy.I was born on May, 12, 1992. My mom and dad were very happy! Lots of people came to see me in the hospital like Meme and Papaw, cousin Cody, sister Brittany, cousin Schelena, and many many more.
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    Infancy lasts from the day one is born until they are two years old. During infancy babies get teeth, learn how to talk, and learn how to walk. In the first year birth weight is trippled and they grow about 10 inches. In second year babies gain fourseven pounds and grow four to six inches.I kept my paci until I was three most don't keeep theirs that long. I learned to use the potty and talk. Also, i learned how to walk.
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    Childhood is from age two to adolencence. Children grow four to six pounds a year and grow two to three inches a year in height every year until adolescence. I lost my dad. Broke my arm twice and my leg once. Had to grow up and help with my sisters.
  • I broke my leg

    This is an example of gross motor skills. It is an example of childhood. I was on the monkey bars and couldn't finish. I couldn't get down so my cousin told me to step on his hands. When I stepped on his hands I fell and landed on my leg. I was so scared when I had to get the cast taking off and cried but got lots of signatures.
  • First day of kindergarden

    This is an example of childhood.I loved it because I had it p.m. kindergarden. I was a very good student and did bvery well. Mrs. Vavra always wrote nice letters home to my mom.
  • I broke my arm the second time

    This is an example from my childhood. I was on the fourwheeler by myself. My cousin was telling me to go faster. When I did I couldn't control it and i ran into a tree. My arm flung forward and hit the metal bars. It broke my wrist. My mom was so mad at me for gettting on there by myself but i didn't get in trouble because I was hurt enough.
  • Dad Passed away

    This happened in my childhood.I was at school on the play ground when the counselor came to get me because my mom was there to pick me up. The ride home was so quiet and i knew something waws wrong. When we got home my mother told me that my dad had died. I was very heartbroken because I was supposed to go to his house that day. My mom was so sad and she had my grandma come over to take me with her because she couldn't handle being around me and watching me cry.
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    Girls hit growth span at age 10 or 11. Males hit a growth spurt at age 12 to 13. Males get larger hearts and lungs. Females have a period. Soial awkwardness occurs. I had my first boyfriend! Had many friends as well.
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    Freshman year

    I was so excited but nervous at the same time. I made so many new friends. I met my first real boyfriend. Also, I made ties I would keep for a lifetime. Honors classes were a challenge but I got threw it with fairly good grades.
  • Me and Aron started dating

    Me and Aron started dating
    This is an example of self identity. Me and Aron were talking as friends to start out. I told his friend that I liked him so he called Aron and made us talk. Aron liked me too. We hung out a few times and then he got the courage to ask me on a date.
  • Me and Arons first kiss

    Me and Arons first kiss
    This is an example from my adolescence. He came to Bosse's homecoming with me and it was chilly so he gave me his jacket. The game was starting to get boring so we left. We went to the stripper pits on the outskirt of town. Thats when we discovered that we had a ton in common. Our dads both died when we were six, our sibilings were the same age, our dads died of similar causes at the exact same age, and they are burried in the same cemetary.
  • Found out I was pregnant

    Found out I was pregnant
    This is young adulthood.I cried the whole entire day and was so mad at myself for what had happened. Then I talked to Aron and he got sick and was very nervous. Then the next day Aron talked to his mom and she reassured him that she wasn't disappointed and she was very happy and he was so excited about it. He made me feel better and while I was pregnant he did everything for me.
  • Holley was born

    Holley was born
    She was an infant. She was the best birthday present one could ever recieve!!!! Aron was so amazing, he cried when she came out. He was very helpful and he cried when they broke my bag because it hurt so bad and he was worried about me also while i was being cut because i was shaking so bad I couldn't relax. He stayed with her the whole time after she was born and walked down to the nursery while she had her shots.
  • Holley's first Christmas!

    Holley's first Christmas!
    This was Holley's infancy. We spent Christmas Eve at my grandparents house so we spent Christmas with Aron's family. We went to his grandparents in Rockport, IN. Holley had so many presents. She enjoyed it very much and especially loved the mashed potatoes. We Were so excited that we was able to get her so many toys but later trying to put them all in the car we regreted it.
  • Holley's First Time Walkling

    Holley's First Time Walkling
    This is an example of gross motor skills and it is infancy. It was the day before mother's day. It was the best mother's day gift I could ever ask for! We was so excited it made all the late nights worth while!
  • Holleys First Birthday!

    Holleys First Birthday!
    She grew from 8 pounds to 20 pounds. Holley turned 1!!! We was so excited. She had her birthday party at Gatti's. She got tons of presents. We had so many people therethat we had to open a second room. She ate lots of cake. She ate almost her whole dunk cake. Her cake was tinkerbell. She had so much fun and so did we. This is an example of moral development.
  • Our First Family Vacation

    Our First Family Vacation
    This is independenc and my young adulthood. We went to Virginia. Aron's family had a family reunion so all three of us went. It was the first time me and Holley got to meet the rest of the family. It was so pretty up in the mountians. We had a lot of fun and we didn't want to come back home.
  • Our First House Together

    Our First House Together
    This is an example of independence. Me, Aron, and Holley were living with my mom but it was time for us to move. We had been apartment hunting for like two months but our roommates kept changing their minds. We went and looked where I lived when I first moved to Evansville. They had one left that was in our budget. We were so happy.
  • Holleys first day of Daycare

    Holleys first day of Daycare
    This is an example of emotionsl attachment and stranger anxiety. Holley cried when we dropped her off. It took forever to say goodye because we didn't want to leave. We both also cried even though aron wont admit it.