54 mass infantry

Robert Gould Shaw and the Civil War

  • Robert Gould Shaw was born!

    Robert Gould Shaw was born the only son, with four sisters.
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Robert Shaw's family moved to Staten Island, New York. There he was enrolled in St. John's College Roman Catholic School, despite being Unitarian.
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    The family traveled to Europe and Robert continued his studies abroad.
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Attended school at Harvard University.
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Withdrew from Harvard University before receiving his degree. H went to work for his uncle in New York after withdrawing from college.
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Robert joined the Seventh New York Regiment and marched to the defense of Washington.
  • Beginning of the Civil War

    Battle of Fort Sumter
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Robert joined the Second Massachusetts Infantry as First Lieutenant. During 1862, he rose to the rank of captain.
  • Battle of Fort Donelson

    Lasted for 4 days!
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Lasted for 2 days!
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    During the Battle of Winchester, Robert avoided being wounded when a bullet hit his pocket watch.
  • Battle of 2nd Bull Run

    Lasted for 2 days!
  • Battle of Antietam

  • Battle of Stones River

  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Robert received an offer to command the first African-American Regiment raised in the north, the 54th Masschusetts, Which he accepted.
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Robert arrived in Boston to begin recruiting.
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Robert was officially promoted to colonel.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Lasted for 4 days!
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    Shaw married his sweetheart, Anna Kneeland Haggerty in New York.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Lasted for 4 days!
  • Robert Gould Shaw

    At the age of 26, Robert Gould Shaw was killed while leading his army of all African-American soldiers to attack the Confederates at the Battle of James Island.
  • Battle of Chickamaguga

    Lasted for 2 days!
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Lasted 3 days!
  • Battle of Spotsylvania

    Lasted for 11 days!
  • End of the Civil War

    Battle of Anderson