Kristine Mattarella

  • Prenatal- Birth

    Bio- Healthy pregnancy, ate well and was active.
    Cog- Heard voices all day long and misuc, Did not read to me.
    Psych- Low levels of stress, remembers pregnancy as a happy and good time.
  • First 2 Years

    Bio- Slept well, walked and ran. Was often distracted while doing activities so i ran into walls and furniture.
    Cog- Had trouble pronouncing my s's but was very talkative.
    Psych- Not overly attached to mother, would cry when she left the room but after a few minutes would calm down. Had two siblings with whom most of my time was spent. Only play dates were at family funtions with family members.
  • Play Years 3-5

    Bio- I was small but grew noramlly according to charts, a little bit of baby fat.
    Cog- A lot of energy and very social. When we had just moved walked around our court knocking on doors meeting the neighbors. Always wanted to talk on car rides mom would have to tell me to go to sleep otherwise i would talk the entire ride home!
    Psych- Parents had another baby, loved her and always wanted to hold her, was a good older sister. Played well with my sisters and very rarely fought with them.
  • School Years

    BIo- Would get normal colds, had the flu once and had chicken pox once as well.
    Cog- Growing up my mother read to us often and as a result i liked books and wanted to read oftern. Vocabulary was advanced because much of my time was spet around adults and learned a lot of words.
    Psych- Became a bit of a bully/ gossip. Learned my lesson the hard way when i lost almost all of my friends and no one invited to me to birthday partys or sleepovers.
  • Adolescence

    Bio- Started puberty, began physical development.
    Cog- Heavily experiences of egocentricism and imaginary audience, very little of the invincibility fable.
    Psych- Religious identity is being developed. as is exual/gender identity where i was more interested in boys that i should have been and loved to look pretty. Put a lot of stock into my apperance.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Bio- Graduated highschool, enrolled in college and became successful in my academic achievements. Started exercising a lot and giving much attention to my appearance.
    Cog- Went through individual-reflective faith (stage 4 and stage 6) universalizing faith.
    Psych- Worked multiple jobs and ended up staying at one for 3 years. Began dating and had one serious and long term relationship.
  • Adulthood

    Bio- My health will still be of great importance to me so that i can continue to raise my family. Excercise and eating well will be a staple in my family.
    Cog- The ways that i use and excercise my brain will be what i retain and how i learn/remember.
    Psych- "social clock" is of less imporatance, effort and time put into growing intimate bonds between spouse and family.
  • Late Adulthood

    Bio- Apearance will chage, skin will be wrinkled with sunspots due to overexposure during adolescence.
    Cog- Memory will fade and will have greater difficulty accessing information from working memory. May develop some sort of degenerative disease such as dementia or alzhiemers.
    Psych- Coping with retirement, continuing contact with with friends and family, spending time with grandchildren, etc. Needing assistance eventually with ADL's.
  • Death and Dying

    I predict that i will die in 2084 after completing my life expectancy calculator. Living to 95 i'm sure that i will require assistance in my ADL's and that my cognitive funtions will be at a lesser level than in my previous years.