Muhammad was born in the year 570
In the town of Mecca, in a high desert plateau of western Arabia in the year 570 Muhammad was born. He was the first and only son of Abd Allah bin Al-Muttalb and Amina blnt Wahb. -
Cyrus ll
Cyrus II conquers most of the Near East and establishes the Persian Empire -
Period: 570 to Jun 21, 630
Muhammad and outside the Arabian Peninsula
China uses sundials and they are created -
Muhammad becomes an orphan
When he was five or six his mother took him to Yathrib to visit relatives and his father's grave. On the journey back his mother died and the nurse placed Muhammad with his paternal grandather. -
Oct 21, 600
Shang dynasty code
In 600 the Deuteronomic code. -
Oct 22, 600
New Babylonians
Astronomical observation and record-keeping by New Babylonian -
Oct 21, 610
Muhammad receives first revelation
The new materialism and traditional idolatry in Mecca disturbed Muhammad. He began making long retreats to a mountain cave outside of town where he fasted and meditated. He was visited by overpowering presence and instructed him to recite words. Several years went by beore he dared to talk about it outside his family. -
Oct 22, 610
Hebrew prophetic revolution -
Oct 22, 612
New Empire
New Babylonian Emipre was created -
Oct 22, 612
Assyrian Empire
Height of Assyrian Empire -
Oct 21, 613
Muhammad takes his message public
He finally began to reveal the messages to his tribes. They were gathered verse by verse and later became Islam's sacred scripture(Qur'an). -
Jun 21, 630
Muhammad's final years
He returned to live in Medina. In the next three years, he consolidated most of the Arabian Peninsula under Islam. On June 8, 632 he died in Medina ater a brief illness. He is buried in the mosque in Medina -
Muhammad's Teens
From 580-594 Muhammad's teens. He worked as a shepherd to help pay his keep. Sometimes traveled to trade centers. He was recognized and nicknamed El-Amin which means the one you can trust. -
Muhammad in Mecca in care of an Uncle
About the age of eight his grandather died and he was put in the care of his paternal uncle. He than grew up in his home and remained under his care for many years. -
Muhammad's marriage and family life
He married Khadja, he was twenty-five and she was nearly forty.In the next years six children were born, two sons died in infancy, and than four daughter. -
Jerusalem conquered
Nebuchadnezzar conquers Jerusalem