Jun 15, 1215
The Magna Carta is issued in England
King John was forced by the nobles to sign the Magna Carta which protected certain rights of all subjects, such as the right from unlawful imprisonment.The Magna Carta was the first time the monarchs power was unlimited. ImageSource :http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.infiniteunknown.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/magna-carta.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.infiniteunknown.net/tag/magna-carta/&usg=__VoAi7x5PxU8q33LnoM8kcSPJvJY=&h=950&w=640&sz=134&hl=en&start=0&sig2=GCPcZ2kF3eH6yZV_h0RqVw& -
Nov 13, 1295
Creation of the "Model Parliament"
The Model Parliament was called by Edward I to represent all of the population. This meeting would come to be known as the summoning of the Commons. Before then, Parliament had made very few significant changes, and it was the first time the the parliament challenged the monarchy. Image Source: http://courses.govhs.org/d2l/orgTools/ouHome/ouHome.asp?ou=10289 -
Charles I is executed
Charles I being executed represents how the powers of the Parliament and the Monarchy began conflict. It is a point where we see the power of the Monarchy begin to decline rapidly and where we see the power of the Parliament to increase. Image Source:http://courses.govhs.org/d2l/orgTools/ouHome/ouHome.asp?ou=10289 -
King James II is Overthrown
James II was the last absolute monarch in England. After him, William and Mary are the first to begin an era where the monarchs and Parliment share joint power. Also, the fact that James II was overthrown, shows how people were tired of an absolute monarchy. Image Source:http://courses.govhs.org/d2l/orgTools/ouHome/ouHome.asp?ou=10289 -
English Bill of Rights Enacted
The Bill of Rights of 1689 confirmed that English monarchs could not collect new taxes or raise an army without Parliament’s consent, along with other laws. Many of which reflected the views of John John Locke. This once again increased the power of the Parliament by limiting the free reign of the monarch. Image Source: http://courses.govhs.org/d2l/orgTools/ouHome/ouHome.asp?ou=10289 -
The Second Treatise of Government by John Locke was published
John Locke believed that governments obtained their power from the people they governed. He illustrated his beliefs in this book, and when it was published it showed people that they deserved a government that worked for them, and not the other way around. The Second Treatise of Government
therefore created popularity for the Parliament insted of the Monarchy. Image Source: http://courses.govhs.org/d2l/orgTools/ouHome/ouHome.asp?ou=10289 -
Robert Walpole becomes "Prime Minister"
The final step in Britain’s move to limit its monarchy took was when a single man Robert Walpole became head of government in the office of First Lord of the Treasury, which later became known as “Prime Minister”. The significance of this event is that there was now another leader in the government of England. Image Source: http://courses.govhs.org/d2l/orgTools/ouHome/ouHome.asp?ou=10289