Imperialism In India

By saryou5
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Vasco De Gama Sails For India

    Vas De gama begain exploring the east african coast and reached india in 1498
  • Establishment of The British East India Company

    from 1613 - 1947 the brithish government regulated the east indian company in londan and india untill the 19th century.
  • british colonized india

  • industrial revolution in britain

  • british overcome french and take control of india

    The Mughal Empire was collapsing. In 1757, Robert Clive led east India company troops in a decisive victory over Indian forces.
  • Decline of the Mughal Empire

    After the emperor Aurangzeb's death in 1707, the Mughal empire fell into decline.
  • sepoy rebellion

    the sepoys were being jailed for there beliefs. on may 10th they marched to delhi, got solders, & captured delhi. after that the rebellion spred throughout nothern and centural india.
  • creation of the indian national congress

    the growing nationalisum led to creating it.
  • Creation of the muslim league

    was made to protect muslim interests.
  • amritsar massacre

    10,000 hindus & muslims flocked to amritsar, to fast, pray, listen to political speeches.
  • Rowlett Acts

    laws that allowed the government to jail protesters without trial for as long as two years.
  • mohandas gandhis leadership of the INC

    mohandas gandhis led non-violence. baiiling strtigies took a religus approch.
  • Gandhis travels stressing non violent resistance

    he wants everyone to do what he does to spred his beliefs.
  • the salt march

    a peaceful protest, lead by mohadma gahndi. it was agenst the salt acts in 1903.
  • gov. of india act

    it provided local self-government and limited democratic elections, but not total independence.
  • WWII- riots between hindus & muslims

    after WWII the british couldent deside who to give power to.
  • Indian/Pakistan independance

    500 independant native princes desided which nation they would join.
  • Partition

    a term. when people divided the hindu and muslim nations.
  • Gandhis Death

    he told the capital (after 1 million people died) to treat the muslims fair and the shot & killed him.