The 1930: The Road to War

By vicky
  • The deppresion undermined the League

    The deppresion undermined the League
  • 1929 -32

    Iron and steel production halved
  • Fateful day in the history or the World

    Fateful day in the history or the World
    Wall Street Crash. The value of shareson the American Storcjk market collapsed. People tried frantically to sell their shares begore the price fall. In one day no fewer tha 13 millon sheres were sold. This was the start of the economic crsisi that devastated the whole world
  • "Work of Bread"

    "Work of Bread"
    French workers protesting in Paris
  • Mussolini looks somewhere else

    Mussolini looks somewhere else
    Mussolini looked to foreign policy for further triumphs
  • More armament

    More armament
    Germany had an increase in its level of weaponery
  • Largest party in the World

    Largest party in the World
    Hitler is break through when the party war 107 seats and became the record largest party in Germany
  • To the South

    To the South
    Mussolini looks South and make Italy a great Mediterranean power
  • Unemployement in Germany

    Unemployement in Germany
    In Germany, a lot of people lost their jobs. Unemployement. One out of every three of the working population were employed.
  • Fascist revolution at home was over

    Fascist revolution at home was over
  • War was the consecuence, and Japon won it

    War was the consecuence, and Japon won it
    The army took the initiative in September when they organised an armed clashed with Chinese forces in Manchuria.
  • People lose their hope

    People lose their hope
    People who expected the League to keep the peace began to despair
  • Pounds changed

    Pounds changed
    Value of pound was reduced
  • Nazi`s triumph

    Nazi`s triumph
    Nazzi won 230 seats and became the largest party in the Reichstag
  • The new president, Roosevelt

    The new president, Roosevelt
    He was elected and his policy makes them became ever more isolationist
  • Hitler`s rise

    Hitler`s rise
    Hitler became Chancellor
  • Hitler´s intructions to Fritsh

    Hitler´s intructions to Fritsh
    Hitler instructed the German General, Von Fritsh, to end German disarmament
  • Enabling Lax- when the Reichstag passed

    Enabling Lax- when the Reichstag passed
    Democracy came to an end
  • Hitler commands

    Hitler commands
    Hitler was named Presindent
  • Hitler`s Rebellion

    Hitler`s Rebellion
    Hitler showed his contempt for the Versailles settlement by drawing Germany from the League of Nations
  • Japon left the League

    Japon left the League
    Even though the League did little, Japon was no prepared to accept any criticism and so left the League
  • End to ships

    End to ships
    Ship building collapsed
  • France in crisis

    France in crisis
    French Industry went through a great crisis
  • Tanks produced

    Tanks produced
  • Call-up

    Hitler introduced conscription and increased the number of German soldiers
  • Collective Security 1934-38

    Making Litvinow tried to build links with Britain and France, to counter the threat from Germany. He was a great believer in the idea of Collective Security
  • Soviet Union joined the League of Nation

  • Germanies wavier

    Hitler had despired the League since it was set up. A year later after he took power, Germany left the League
  • USRR was included

  • Stalin remained firm with Hitler

    Stalin remained firm with Hitler
    Stalin made it clear that he was ready to do business with Hitler
  • Airfoce

    Germany was making aircraft and warships
  • Meeting between countries

    Meeting between countries
    Mussolini met the French and British prime ministers in the Italian town of Strese, they condemned German breaches of the Treaty of Versailles
  • Italian attacked on Abyssinia

    Italian attacked on Abyssinia
  • Communist organizations

    Communist organizations
    Communist parties across the world were ordered to stop trying to organize revolution
  • Mussolini`s gratitude

    Mussolini`s gratitude
    Mussolini thanked Hitler and made it clear that he was happy for and increase in German control over Austria
  • Hitler defied the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler defied the Treaty of Versailles
    Hitler ordered German troops to march into the Rhineland. This action was a breach of the Treaty of Versailles
  • German`s overtaking

    German`s overtaking
    German air force close to overtaking in size that of britains
  • Agreement to work with Hitler

    Agreement to work with Hitler
    The link between Germany and Italy was called the Rome- Berlin Axis
  • 1933-1936

    Deep divisions between left and right in France stopped the French Goverment from standing up to hitler
  • Italy won the war

    Italy won the war
  • More money invested in force by Britain

    More money invested in force by Britain
    British spending on defence beagan to rise again
  • Full- scale rearmament

    Full- scale rearmament
  • Schuschnigg visited Hitler for crisis talks in Germany

    Schuschnigg visited Hitler for crisis talks in Germany
  • The Germany army invaded Austria

    The Germany army invaded Austria
  • Change of Goverment in France

  • Destroying Czechoslovakia

    Destroying Czechoslovakia
    Hitler let his generals know that he had decided to " smash Czechoslovakia by military action in the near future
  • Hitler ready to go to war againt Chzechoslovakia.

    Hitler ready to go to war againt Chzechoslovakia.
    He did not want a peaceful settlement, he wanted to destroy Czechoslovakia by force.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Britain and France signed the Munich agreement that broke up Czechoslovakia and gave much of it to Germany
  • Chamberlain with no support

    Chamberlain with no support
    He was told that the South African and Australian goverment would not give military support if war broke uot
  • SA votes

    The SA parliament voted in favour of new trality if war broke out between Germany and Britain
  • Hitler`s note

    Hitler`s note
    Hitler sent a note to Chamberlai telling him that he had agreed to a conference at Munich with representatives of Britain, France and Italy. The conference would try to explore a peacuful solution to the crisis even Czechoslovakia
  • The League didnt participate

    The League didnt participate
    As the second World War drew close, The League played no part in serious attempts to avoitd conflict.
  • The Anschluss

    The Anschluss
    The German take over of Austria
  • Stalin impressed by Hitler

    Hitler wrote a personal letter to Stalin offering high level talks in Moscow.
  • Hitler sent Ribber troop to Moscow

    Hitler sent Ribber troop to Moscow
  • Hitler conquering

    Hitler conquering
    Nazi Soviet Non- Agression Pact was signed. It was part of Hitler`s plan for the conquest of Poland-
  • Hitler invaded Poland

    Hitler invaded Poland
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    Britain and France responded Hitler`s invation to Poland by declaring war. The Second World War had begun
  • War broke out

    War broke out
  • A deal between enemies

    A deal between enemies
    Stalin amazed the World by doing a deal with his enemy, Hitler
  • Hitler between offers

    Stalin had two choices and opted for the German offer rather tan the British and French offer
  • Possiblities of Band I to go to war with Germany

  • Germany invades what was left of Czechoslovakia

  • Going nowhere

    Going nowhere
    Talks between Western Powers and the Soviets