
By Kay13
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    American Revolution

  • Patrick Henry speaks out against the Stamp Act

    Britain began to tax its people even more in an attempt to pay the debt they had gotten into from the Seven Years War. The began to tax the American colonies. This was called the Stamp Act because a stamp was placed on the taxed items.
    Henry spoke out publicly against this act. For him, this was far more than extra taxes. This was a matter to do with his rights. He tried to give a speech in an attempt to show how the tax problem could be fixed, but it didn’t work.
  • Members of the Third Estate present their demands and grievances

    The French were split up in three class. The top two classes made up 3% of the population and were able to evade paying taxes. The rest of the population was living in poverty while these two classes enjoyed a wealthy life.
    Some of the people went to the king, King Louis XVI, but he couldn’t change anything.
    This made the people mad and they began to revolt.
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    French Revolution

  • Simón Bolívar leads the revolution of New Granada

    Símon Bolívar helped to lead New Granada, a collection of South American countries, against the oppressive rule of Spain and from the French. (Both were at different times)
    The people of Venezuela were interested in enjoying privileges that were enjoyed by landowners, but they didn’t want slavery to end.
    Venezuela eventually separated to become its own country and New Granada disolved.
  • Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rallies the people of Mexico against Spain

    The People of Mexico also rallied against the unjust rule of Spain. They were driven to this by taxation, nationalism, and religion. The people were encouraged to revolt and they won their independence in 1821
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    New Granda Revolution

  • Indian National Congress is created

    This was a congress set up by Indians who spoke English. They demanded that the British leave India. They wanted to rule their own country.
  • Tilak calls for a boycott

    Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Mohandas K. Gandhi were two famous members of the congress. They spoke about how to send the British out of their county without using violence. Tilak called for a boycott on good that were made by the British instead of armed resistance.
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    Mexican Revolution