7C Personal Timeline 13

  • Getting My Step-Mother

    Getting My Step-Mother
    (+3) Another One To Raise Me; When I was born, my mother passed away. I kinda felt guilty being the reason my biological mother died. But my dad understood and didn't want me to live without a mother. He married my mother today and I'm quite happy.
  • Meeting My Forever Friends

    Meeting My Forever Friends
    (+4) New School Calls For New Friends; When I first started learning here in Canada, I struggled making friends because I didn't know how to speak English. When I went to my second school, Saint Dominic, I was able to make some friends. I was happy but paranoid. I've felt many betrayals but, how wrong I was about my friends.
  • Online Classes

    Online Classes
    (-3) Learning In The World Of Technology; I absolutely dislike online classes. Not that I don't like online classes, it's just that it's hard to do stuff when internet issues arise. I don't want to get covid but I also don't want to struggle getting into a college.
  • Confessing To My Best Friend

    Confessing To My Best Friend
    (+3) The Love I'll feel; I came out to my best friend, Sophia, and told her I liked her. After that, we grew closer and it felt like a dream. But it shattered my heart when I realised she probably could like someone.
  • Gaining 50k-75k

    Gaining 50k-75k
    (+4) SUBSCRIBER RAID!; 3 months after posting a video about my sister's gender reveal, I gained 50k subscribers. I was shook. I was happy about reaching my subscriber goal but scared of the responsibility of entertaining 50k+ people. Also, these people were my relatives who found out I got famous on youtube :D
  • Coming out as Bisexual

    Coming out as Bisexual
    (-1) Girls? Boys? Why Not both?; When I came out as bi, I didn't think much of it. But I assumed my parents would accept it but I guess not. Anyways, they think I'm straight because of the lecture they gave me.
  • Getting Recognised For The First Time

    Getting Recognised For The First Time
    (+5) Popularity = Recognition; Well, it was my mom that got recognised but ayo, I still got recognised too. They said congrats to my mother. They looked at me and said, "hey, you're that girl who was speaking during the thing, right?" and laughed. I took it as a comsult (compliment and insult)
  • Losing My Grandmothers

    Losing My Grandmothers
    (-4) Why Did You Have To Go? I lost my grandmothers earlier before my mother gave birth. I lost one of my grandmothers to bladder cancer or something like that. I lost the other one to diabetes and stuff.
  • When My Mother Gave Birth To My Sister

    When My Mother Gave Birth To My Sister
    (+4) When The Little One Comes Out Of Their Hiding; My mother gave birth to my sister, MJ. Currently, she's 4 months old and she's a big part of my life.
  • Moving Into A New Home

    Moving Into A New Home
    (-2) New Member Of The Family Includes A New Home; A week after the birth of Mj, we moved into our new house. I'm not complaining, it's nice but I got so used to having FREE water on demand. To add to that, it's 50 minutes away from my friend's house. TnT