Picture 3


By Mamoon
  • 570

    Muhammad (S)'s birth

    Muhammad (S)'s birth
    Muhammad (S) was born. His father, Abdallah, had died a few months before. This was also the year of the Elephants, when Abraha tried to destroy the kabah, but failed.
  • 576

    Muhammad (S) Mom Dies

    Muhammad (S) Mom Dies
    Muhammad (S)'s mom, Amina, died. when he was only 6 years.
  • Dec 12, 610

    Muhammad (S) Recieves his First Revelation

    Muhammad (S) Recieves his First Revelation
    Muhammad (S0 was in the cave of Hira, when all of a sudden an angel came and told him to read. Muhammad (S) didnt know how to read. Finally he read. This was his first revelation, surat al-`Alaq.
  • Dec 12, 613

    Muhammad (S) Preaches in Public

    Muhammad (S) Preaches in Public
    Muhammad (S) starts preaching in public. That was when the persecutation began.
  • Dec 12, 617

    Muhammad (S) and the Rest of The Muslims Forced To Leave

    Muhammad (S) and the Rest of The Muslims Forced To Leave
    Muhammad (S) and the rest of the muslims were forced to leave Mecca and live in the surrounding desert because of the boycott.
  • Dec 12, 620

    Muhammad (S) Meets with 6 men

    Muhammad (S) Meets with 6 men
    Muhammad (S) meets with 6 men form Yathrib.
  • Dec 12, 621

    First Pledge of Aqaba

    First Pledge of Aqaba
    This was when 12 citizens from Yathrib made the first pledge of Aqaba.
  • Dec 12, 622

    75 Citizens Take the Second Pledge of Aqaba

    75 Citizens  Take the Second Pledge of Aqaba
    75 citizens take the second pledge of aqaba. The hijrah to medina was also completed in this year.
  • Muhammad (S)'s grandfather Dies and MUhammad Joins Abu Talib

    Muhammad (S)'s grandfather Dies and MUhammad Joins Abu Talib
    Muhammad (S)'s grandfather dies, so Muhammad (S) joins the houshold of his uncle, Abu Talib.
  • Muhammad (S) Leads a Caravan

    Muhammad (S) Leads a Caravan
    Muhammad (S) leads a caravan to Syria.
  • Muhammad (S) Marriage

    Muhammad (S) Marriage
    Muhammad (S) marries Khadijah (R), a famous, beautiful, and wealthy women.
  • Year of Sorrow

    Year of Sorrow
    Hadijah and Abu Talib die. Muhammad goes on Israa Wa Maaraj. It was where Muhammad (S) went to heaven.