Feb 4, 1198
Earthquake in northeastern Afghansitan, killing over 4,000 people
1880-1901), the British and Russians established the boundaries of Afghanistan today
British gained back their control over Afghan affairs by signing the Treaty of Rawalpindi
Mohammad Zahir Shah, Nadir Khan's 19-year-old son, and ruled from 1933 to 1973.
Shah Durrani, who in 1747 made the monarchy that ruled until 1973
revolt started in the Nuristan region of eastern Afghanistan
estimated one million Afghan lives were lost between 1979 to1989 due to soviet war
October 1979 Taraki was secretly executed, and then Amin became the new president.
Mujahideen take Kabul and liberate Afghanistan, Najibullah is protected by UN.
August 20th--United States launches cruise missles hitting Afghanistan's Khost
Constitutionsigned : January 4, 2004.
Karzai welcomes Qanuni's political alliance