
History about Turism

  • 776 BCE

    776 BC The Olympic Games

    776 BC The Olympic Games
    Were the first international tourist event where many people travelled from arround the world to see the olympic games.
  • 300 BCE

    300 BC-Invention of the roads by the Romans

    300 BC-Invention of the roads by the Romans
    The romans created good roads that leed us to point A to B.
  • 1440

    1440 Invention of the printing press

    1440 Invention of the printing press
    Gutenberg invented the priting press wich allowed people to get more knowledge about other places and ads.
  • Period: to

    17th and 18th centuries- Development of transportation

    Thanks to this development people could travel more faster and much easier than before
  • 1773 Invention of the museum for public

    1773 Invention of the museum for public
    People would travel to other places to vistit the museums.
  • 1830s Organized Tours

    1830s Organized Tours
    Thomas Cook saw the potential in organized tours
  • 19th Centurie-Introduction o hotel vouchers and traveller´s cheques.

    19th Centurie-Introduction o hotel vouchers and traveller´s cheques.
    A much safer way to travel
  • 1927 Invention of TV

    1927 Invention of TV
    Whit this invention many people could get knowledge about other places and also because of the ads on it.
  • 1945-Paid Holidays

    1945-Paid Holidays
    Whit the end of Worl War II People started to have paid holidays wich make people having more dispossible income.
  • 1989 The fall of the Berlin Wall

    1989 The fall of the Berlin Wall
    Whit the wall on the floor people started to be more free to travel.