The Big Crash#2 eblair

  • crash!!

    the stock market crashed, this happen because to many people were buying stocks and not selling, the pirces went to high and no one could buy anything.
  • economic

    1930-1933 more then 40% of the nations banks failed. People went to withdraw money from there acconts and the banks failed to give it to them.(date unsure)
  • economic

    8.02 million Americans are unemployed, this left America with out jobs so they couldnt get paid and have money.
    (date not found, year correct)
  • ideas and technology

    Amelia Earhart is the first women to fly solo across the Alantic. (date unsure)
  • political

    Franklin Roosevelt was elected president. (the date is not correct)
  • political

    adolf HItler takes power in Germany.
  • political

    congress creats the SEC to regulate the stock market
    (date unsure)
  • WWII

    The beginning of World War 2 started. World War 2 started because Hitler declared war on Poland stating one of his reasons for the invasion was because of the attack by regular Polish troops