Sep 7, 1533
The Birth of Queen Elizabeth l
Period: Sep 7, 1533 to
Elizabeth Queen of England
May 19, 1536
Elizabeth's mother Anne Boleyn is beheaded at Tower Hill, London, convicted of treason adultery and incest.
Oct 12, 1546
Elizabeth l losses the title of princess of England.
Jan 28, 1547
King Henry Vlll dies, leaving the thorn of England to young Edward VI
Mar 18, 1554
Queen Mary, half sister of Elizabeth l imprisons her on false charges.
Jan 15, 1559
Elizabeth 1 is crowned Queen of England
Jul 6, 1560
The Treaty of Edinburgh is in affect.
Sep 23, 1562
Queen Elizabeth almost dies of smallpoxs.
Nov 7, 1581
A marriage treat is signed by Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Anjou.
The Treaty of Berwick, a peace treaty signed by Queen Elizabeth and King James VI of Scotland.
The Spanish Armada are defeated by the English.
Queen Elizabeth l grants charter permission to sail the Indian ocean for the east india company.
The death of Queen Elizabeth l