Pregnancy development month by month

  • Month 5

    Heartburn or indegestion when you eat, constapation & pelvic pains, feel the babys movements, could be getttin strech marks
  • Month 6

    strech marks,nose bleed, gums bleed leeking fluids
  • Month 7

    frequent urination, back pains, difficulty sleeping,constipation
  • Month 8

    braxton hicks, pelvic pressure, estrogen level increases
  • Month 9

    difficult to sleep,breast swelling, pressure on the pelvis, clean and reclean the house.
  • Month 1

    morning sickness and missed periods
  • Period: to

    9 Months

  • Month 2

    breast grow & mature cause tenderness & soreness,calories need increased
  • Month 3

    breast become fuller and firmer, may ache
    weight gain
  • Month 4

    nipples darken, blotchy skin, heart is working twice as hard.