pregnancy development month by month

By carried
  • month1

    • missed menstrul period -other sign of pregnancy may not be noticeable
  • Period: to

    9 months

  • month2

    -breats begin to swell
    -pressure on bladder from enlarging uterus resault in need to urinate more frequenntly
    -fatigue is common.
  • month3

    --breast become firmer and fuller, my ache
    -nausea , fatigus and frequent urination may continue.
    - weight gain may total 2-4 pounds
  • month4

    -abdomen continus to grow slowly
    -most discomforts of early pergnancy
    -appetits increase
  • 5 month

    • enlarged abdomen -slight fetal movement -increased size may begin to affect posture
  • 6 month

    -fetal movement sensed as strong kicks, thumps. and bumps. some may be visible. ,
    - wieght gain, may be 10-12 pounds
  • 7month

    • increased size may affect posture
  • 8 month

    -discomfort may resault from increased size.
    -fetal kick may disturd the mothers rest
    -at the beginning of thi month , wieght gian about 18-20pounds
  • 9month

    • lightening , felt as the fetus dropinto the pelvis. breathing may be eaier -other discomforts may continue -total weight 25-35 pounds -false labor pains may be experiened