Sep 9, 1492
Columbus Dicovered the Bahamas
Columbus was trying to find a shorter route to Asia. Instead he sailed to what is now called the Bahamas. He claimed the land for Spain. -
Period: Sep 9, 1492 to
The Spanish Empire
Sep 10, 1505
The Columbian Exchange
The many travels of Columbus from Spain to America inspired a trading system that still goes on today. The trading system is called the Columbian Exchange. -
Sep 13, 1515
Slavery Comes to America
When to many Native Americans got sick or died because of disease the Spanish had to find new people to work as their slaves. The Spanish started using African slaves in place of the Native Americans. -
Sep 13, 1519
Cortes Conqures Mexico
In 1519 Hernan Cortes went to Mexico with his army. There they Heard about the Aztecs. They traveled to the capitol city, Tenochitilan. With his army, the Indians who hated their rulers, and smallpox they were able to defeat the city, knock it down, and rebulid a new city called Mexco City. -
Sep 14, 1532
Pizarro Conqures Peru
Smallpox had reached Peru leaving most of the nation killed and the rest divided. Pizzaro capturede the Inca ruler, Atahualpa, but promised to realse him, but only in exchange for gold.The Inca people, wanting their ruler back, filled rooms with gold and silver. Pizzaro killed Atahualpa and took over the Inca empire.