Congo Genocide
Under the control of King Leopold II of Belgium, estimates of 5 - 21 million people killed.The eastern Democratic Republic of Congo were tortured and slaughtered by soldiers in Orientale, North Kivu, and South Kivu. -
Armenian Genocide
The Turkish slaughtered Armenian Christians (of Ottoman Empire) and said it was a revolution, not a genocide. Over a period of eight years, approximately one million men, women, and children were heartlessly murdered. -
Ukrainian Famine
The starvation, lead by Stalin, of over six million Ukrainians. The famine ended in 1933. -
Rape of Nanking
During the second Sino-Japanese War, estimates of 200 000 to 300 000 people (out of a popuation of 600 000 people) were murdered, and 20 000 to 80 000 women were raped then slaughtered by the Imperial Japanese Army. -
The Holocaust was the systematic persecution under the control of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Mass murders did not begin until 1941. Hitler convinced people that the Aryan race were superior whereas the Jews were inferior, leading to approximately six million Jews murdered. Genocide ended on May 8, 1945 when the U.S. and the Allied Forces defeated the Nazis and liberated the remaining survivors in the concentration camps (known as V-E Day). -
Cambodian Genocide
Under Pol Pot's leadership,the Khmer Rouge organized a mission to reconstruct Cambodia, similar to Mao's model of China. No one was spared under the wrath of the Khmer Rouge, even the children, women, disabled, and ill. Approximately a fifth of the population was murdered (estimates of two million people). Genocide ended in 1978. -
Iraq Genocide
Dictator Saddam Hussein is responsible for the 50 000 to 100 000 deaths of Kurds. His brutality was released upon these people and villages by chemical weapons such as poisonous gas. -
Bosnian Genocde
Yugoslav, Bosnian Serb forces began to murder Bosnian Muslims and minorities when they declared independence. The Bosnian Serbs systematically eliminated Muslims when they advanced from one village to the next. This lead to two hundred thousand people dead and over two million people fled as refugees. Genocide ended in 1995. -
Rwandan Genocide
Mass murder of approximately 800 000 people over a period of 100 days. Hutus slaughtered the Tutsis after years of tension. The Belgian colonization favoured the Tutsi minority group more, therefore angering th Hutu majority group. -
Darfur Genocide
Sudan. The Darfur Genocide is also thought of as a civil war or crisis. Janjaweed (mainly consists of Arab tribes, rebels, and soldiers) have killed countless innocent people. Many have fled as refuges to Chad's eastern border. Has not ended yet.