Legislative History for Those With Disabilities By Emily Glaser

By eglaser
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    Legislative History for those with Disabilities

  • Columbia Institution for Deaf and Dumb and Blind

    Columbia Institution for Deaf and Dumb and Blind
    Columbia Institution for Deaf and Dumb and Blind granted the administration of college degrees. Approved by the US Senate, this was the first college in the world for people with disabilities.
  • Eugenics Laws in the United States

    Eugenics Laws in the United States
    In response to Sir Francis Galton's "Essay of Eugenics," state laws were passed to prevent people with disabilities from moving to the United States, having children, or marrying. This led to forced institutionalization or sterilization of people with disabilities.
  • Smith-Sears Veterans Rehabilitation Act

    Smith-Sears Veterans Rehabilitation Act
    Provdided opportunity for veterans to return to employment after being discharged by the United States military for being disabled.
  • Continued Eugenics Laws

    Continued Eugenics Laws
    The Commonwealth of Virginia passed state law stating forved sterilization of people with disabilites to be constitutional. Sterilization of the "feeble-minded insane, depressed, mental handicapped, eplieptic etc." became common.
  • Buck v. Bell Supreme Court Case

    Buck v. Bell Supreme Court Case
    Federal law states forced sterilization of person with disabiities constitutional. By 1970s, over 60,000 will have been sterilized.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Passed by President Roosevelt, this Act passed that federally funded benefits for blind individuals and disabled children. This act also extended vocational rehab programs.
  • League for Physically Handicapped in NYC

    League for Physically Handicapped in NYC
    Group formed to protest Works Progress Discrimination (WPA). In the past, the Home Relief Bureau had stamped all persons' with disabilities applications with a "PH" for :physically handicapped. After a nine day sit-in, 1500 jobs were created in New York accepting applications of those with disabilites.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    Adolf Hitler of Germany orders "mercy killings" of sick people and those with diabilities. Because of studies of Galton, Hitler believed those with disabilites were "life unworthy of life".
  • LaFollette-Barden Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    LaFollette-Barden Vocational Rehabilitation Act
    Federally funded vocational rehabilitation programs extend to include physical rehabilitation.
  • Social Security Act of 1935

    Social Security Act of 1935
    Act allowed those who left jobs because of disabilites to retain retirement packages.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The state of Kansas demands those of all racial backgrounds equal opportunity in public schools, leading to ideas of unique physical and mental acceptance as well.
  • Special Panel on Mental Retardation

    Special Panel on Mental Retardation
    President Kennedy appoints special panel on mental retardation.
  • Medicare and Medicaid Introduced

    Medicare and Medicaid Introduced
    Signed into law by President Johnson, Medicare and Medicaid programs introduced in the United States. This established federal health care to those with disabililites that may not be able to afford or obtain private health care.
  • Architecture Barriers Act

    Architecture Barriers Act
    Signed by President Johnson, this law prohibited federal buildings to have architectural barriers in them. This began the movement for wheelchair-accesible buildings.
  • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and District of Columbia

    Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and District of Columbia
    Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and District of Columbia must provide free and appropriate education to all students with disabilities. Also, the the disabled must be educated in the same schools as regular-developing students and must be assimilated into the same programs. Students are also provided the opportunity to challenge their schools if their system is not upholding court standards.
  • Section 504

    Section 504
    Revision of the IED stating all state and local education agenciences receiving federal funds must provide equal opportunity and not discriminate againts any students or persons with disabilites simply because they are disabled. This was the first law with the intent to inhibit discrimination towards people with disabilites.
  • Education of all Handicapped Students Act or Public Law

    Education of all Handicapped Students Act or Public Law
    Law intended to open all public schools to those with physical or mental handicaps.
  • Lloyd v. Regional Transportation Authority

    Lloyd v. Regional Transportation Authority
    Law stating all public transportation must provide accesible services.
  • President Reagan terminates Social Security Benefits

    President Reagan terminates Social Security Benefits
    This led to hundreds of thousands of Americans losing their coverage. Several committed suicide in grief, causing Disability Alliances to form agains the Reagan administration.
  • Technology-Related Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988

    A service to those with disabilities, this act authorizes federal funds to be given to states with the intent to create statewide systems for delivering assistive technological devices and services to disabled people that need them. This law includes students, creating a potential change in education curriculum approach.
  • Individuals with Disabilaties Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilaties Education Act
    The Education for all Handicapped Children Act amended and renamed Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
  • American with Disabilities Act

    American with Disabilities Act
    Did not actually go into effect until July 26, 1992. Very much in response to veterans' return to the United States from warfare, nondiscriminatory protection and general civil rights extend to protect those involved in private-sectory employment, transportation, state and local government activities, privately operated businesses open to public accomodation and telecommunications. This bill was signed by President George Bush.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Act stating all students (including those with disabilities) must meet national annual academic standards of achivement. The act states that children with disabilities may be excused from the testing or be given alternative assesments. This will be decided by an IEP team.
  • President Obama Presents New Budget Plans

    President Obama Presents New Budget Plans
    President Obama presents new budget plans to 3.8 trillion dollars to special education, autism research and other programs for people with disabilaties.