Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
A forced signed document between barons and King John in 1215. The document was a series of written promises between the king and his subjects . Documents stated, that he, the king would govern England and cope with its people according to the feudal law. Magna Carta was an attempt by the barons to stop a king from abusing his power with the people of England suffering. The Magna carta was a start of many challanges to come. -
English Civil War
English Civil war was fought from 1642-1651. Occuring in Charles I's reign, it was a conflict between the Parlimentarians and the Royalists . The war ended in 1651 with a Roundhead ( Parlimentarian) victory.The English civil war was a major event in increasing the Parliament's power over the monarchy. -
Execution of Charles l
Charles l was sentenced to death by execution on January 20, 1649. He was charged with treason and died being hated by the public. Charles was the the first monarch to be executed for treason. This event forver changed, limited, and taught the power of the British monarchy -
Habeas Corpus Act
Habeas Corpus is an Act of the Parliament, which is still in force today. This Act protects the right that no one can be imprisoned unlawfully. hAving a literal translation of , ‘habeas corpus’ meaning ,‘you may have the body’, lawfully ofcourse. It strengthened the ancient comand which had been a feature of English Common Law. It served and serves to protect individual liberty, preventing unlawful or arbitrary imprisonment. -
Glorious Revolution
The Glorious Revolution was when William of Orange claimed the English throne from James ll in 1688. This brought a dependance on power in the English constitution. The new co-monarchy King William lll & Queen Mary ll took and approached their power towards the parliament more than anyone has ever, The new constitution created the expectance that new future monarchs would also remain contrained by the parliament. The balance between the crown and parliament created trust, thus a revolution. -
Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights was passed by the English Parliament in 1689 . William and Mary signed the document. It declared that Parliament was above the King in power. Although it now limited the crowns power, it was the best for the new effective society. It addressed ideas such as freedom of speech, right to petition the monarch without punishment, etc. -
Act of Settlement
The Act of Settlement of 1701 existed to secure the Protestant succession to the throne, and to strengthen the guarantees for ensuring parliamentary system of government. This act was prompted by William and Mary and a few more. This also helped to empower the Bill of Rights . And along with it( the Bill of rights and Act of settlement) remain today as 2 of the main consitutional laws governing succession.