7 Global Issues

  • The Great Famine

    The Great Famine
    The Great Famine in Southern India was the reason of over 5 million deaths. A famine is a scarcity of food and it started in 1876 and ended in 1878.
  • Africa Division

    Africa Division
    European countries gather together in Berlin to talk about the territories that they would get in Africa. The major countries in Europe were seeing Africa as their own territory even though it was not theirs.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The Spanish-American War begins. This was a war between the United States and Spain that was a conflict because of the American intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. This war only lasted about 3 months with the victory of the Americans
  • Sino-Japanese War

    Sino-Japanese War
    The Sino-Japanese war begins. It was a war between what is now China and Japan. The war lasted fewer than a year and it was won by the Japanese. This was the first of the two wars that happened between them, the second one was in 1937.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    Russo-Japanese War begins. The war began on February 8, 1904 and ended on September 5, 1905. This war was between the Russians and the Japanese over Manchuria and Korea. The Japanese ended up winning the war with the Treaty of Portsmouth
  • Earthquake in Italy

    Earthquake in Italy
    Earthquake kills 150,000 in southern Italy and Sicily. The 1908 Messina earthquake occurred on December 28 in Sicily and Calabria, southern Italy with a moment magnitude of 7.1. The cities of Sicily and Calabria were almost completely destroyed and it was no longer possible for citizens to live there.
  • Turkish-Italian War

    Turkish-Italian War
    The Turkish-Italian war began in 1911 and ended in 1912. The war lasted more than a year and it ended with the italian victory. The war was not on Turkish or Italian war but it was on Libya and the reason these two countries were fighting was because of that land