Ongoing timline

  • Taft elected President

  • First Mexican Revolution

  • Woodrow Wilson Elected President

  • Outbreak Of WWI

    Germany declares war on Russia
  • germany starts sinking British and American vessels

  • Panama Canal Opened

  • Jones ACT

    Promised the Phillipines thier independence as soon as they showed they had a stable government.
  • Germany declares unrestricted warfare

    Germany declarwess that thwy will wage unrestricted warfare on all shipping vessels in war zone
  • U.S enters WWI

  • Hilter and Mussolini establish the Berlin-Rome axis

  • Neville Chamberlain became prime minister of Great Britan

  • Japaneese and Chineese forces clashed at the Marco Polo outside Beiling

  • Roosevelt's "Quarantine Speech" was sent to Chicago

  • Japaneese pilots sank an American gun boat

    This incident almost drew America into the war raging in China
  • WWII commences in Europe

    WWII commences in Europe with Germany's invason of Poland
  • The Declration of Panama was drafted by America

  • The Germans occupied stragetically significant portions of France

  • Congress passed the lend-lease bill

  • Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill met in Newfoundland

  • Japanese forces started thier attack on pearl harbor

  • Emporer Hirohito met with Japaneese cabinet

    To approve Tojo's call for war against America, Great britan and the Netherlands
  • Japanese forces reached thier launching point

    The six aircraft carriers reached thier launching point 275 miles away from Pearl Harbor
  • 200 B-29s hit tokyo with incendairy

  • the Japaneese evacuation began

  • The U.S.S Lexington was lost in the battle for the Coral Sea

  • Rome was liberated

  • D-day

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt died

  • Germany surrendered

  • The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima

  • Paris was liberated

  • The formal ceremonie that ended WWII took place

  • Phillipines recived thier independence

    the Phillipines finally got thier independence 30 years AFTER the Jones ACT
  • Soviet leader Krushchev announced that he sucsessfully fired an inter-continential ballistic missle

  • The United States invaded the Bay Of Pigs

  • Kennedy opted to ptovide disclosure to American citizens of the Cuban Missle Sights

    and the U.S government's blockade in responce
  • Soviet Ships came near but stopped short of the U.S Blockade

  • Krushchev removed the missles from Cuba

  • John F. Kennedy was assinated

  • Lyndon B. Johnson became President

  • President Johnson sent a special message to congress " war on poverty"

    which would bring relief to poverty stricken areas in rural-urban America
  • Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin

    Johnson athorized limited bombing raids on North Vietnam
  • Johnson announced that he would not accept another nimination or election

  • Nixon ordered the secret bombing of Cambodia,Laos, and North Vietnam

    He did this in order to cut off comunist supply lines to the South
  • Nixon started withdrawling troops from Vietnam

  • The U.N issued an ultimatum for the Iraqi forces to withdrawl by January 15, 1991

  • Congress passed a resolution approving use of U.S forces against Saddam Hussien

  • Operation Desert Storm began

  • The ground assult against saddam Husseign began

  • Bush ordered a cease fire and the Iraqis accepted

  • An explosion ripped through a federal office building in Oklahoma

  • Multiple hijacked planes crashed into the world trade center

  • Bush announced that the U.S would engage in a "lengthy campaign" against terrorism

  • Saddam Hussein's sons were killed in a gun fight with U.S forces

  • Saddam Hussein was captured