kari's timeline

  • the time i was born

    i was born on may 6th 1997 and i was the first of everything i was the first grandchild chil neice cousin everything and it was also a very important in my parents and my life of course.
  • when my brother was born

    when my brother was bron i was 20 months old and i had no clue what he was so i was a little scared at first and then they told me that was my little brother and they told me to kiss him on the head so of course i did and form then on i have had a ;little brother.
  • when i moved to n.c

    i moved to n.c when i was four years old and i was so scared at first i just sat at my grandmothers and just cried and said what if i never see you again which of course i see her every year but then she told me that you see that moon and i was like ya she said it will be the same moon as it is here in florida and that cheered me up a lot and ever since then i have loved my life up here.
  • when i started kindergarden

    the day i started kindergarden was a big step in life for me. i was really scared when i first went because i hae never left my moms side a day in my life if i did i did not like it i didnt even go to pre school. so i was walking in holding my moms hand and we walked straight to my room and i was really scaredby then and when mom said she had to go i started crying she left and soon after i was fine.
  • when i moved to canton

    i moved to canton nd had to start a whole new school it was scary i had to make new friends and i was not with the people that i had started school with and i was so sad and scared i cryed for a little bit but then i was over it i am still firends with the first friend i made in canton it was haley cole she came uo to me and was like will you be my friend and i was like yeah and we have been friends ever since
  • when i had my favorite teacher

    when i moved to the third grade i was so excited i had gotten a new teacher at our school. walked in the door an from them on i new she was awesome we had a lot to do together her name is mrs. ferguson.
  • when i broke my ankle

    when i was 10 years old i was climbing in a tree and it was the day before my brothers birthday and i was stepping on a branch to get out of the tree and the branch broke andi fell and landed on my ankle and it all went down here from there
  • when i went to charleston

    i went to charleston with my fifth grade class and it was so much fun qwe did a lot of stuff we went to a lot of places to.
  • when i went to the bahamas

    i wne to the bahamas the summer before i went to middle school and it was so fun i got to pet dolphins and snorkel it is so cool the ocean was like crystal clear there.
  • when i started middle school

    i started middle school and i loved it having so much more to do than i elementary school it was awesome there is only one thing i missed and it was the playground.
  • when i had my biggest birthday party

    i was turning twelve and i was having my biggest birthday barty i think i have 30 kids and about 20 adults it was pretty awesome. i also got a lot of presents.
  • last year of middle school

    this year is my last year of middle school and i am loving it i can not wait until high school, it is going to be so fun we get to have more freedom which is the best part.