Jan 1, 1400
Posessed! 1400-1500
During the 1400's and 1500's it was theorized by such influential people like Martin Luther and John Calvin, and widely held as a public view, tht people with disabilities were posessed by the devil! -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
History of Special Education
1st Hospital
In 1773 the first hospital for people with mental disabilities was created in Virginia. See link for more details! http://www.esh.dbhds.virginia.gov/ -
1802-1887 Rise of Asylums
During the 1802-187 time period, there occurred a rise of asylums to establish better treatment for the mentally ill. Some of these are briedly dotted throughout the timeline. -
1817- American Asylum for the Deaf
Thomas Gallaudet was a founding father. http://www.disabilitymuseum.org/lib/docs/1371.htm See link for more details. -
Perkins Institute for the Blind
http://www.perkins.org/ Hellen Keller attended the institute. See link for details on the institute today. -
1832- Massachusetts Shool for Idiotic and Feeble Minded Youth
Experimental boarding school was created. It housed undereducated and orphaned children believed to be "morons, imbeciles, and idiots." -
1857- New York Times Article
1857- Article written about institutions discussing people with disabilities.
The link takes you to an article I came across referring to a meeting between several different institutions in order to determine what to do with this, "unfortunate class of people with peculiar conditions." http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9B06E7D9173CEE34BC4C52DFB467838C649FDE -
1896- First special class established
The first special class in the United States for students with disabilities was established in 1896 in Rhode Island. -
1905- Dr. Alfred Binet
Dr. Alfred Binet identified the terms, "slow," and, "retarded," by the use of an intellignece test he created with others (IQ test) to identify the the abilities of children with developmental disabilities. -
1911- Henry H. Goddard
Henry H. Goddard and his constituents developed definition of intelligence which can be found at the following link:
He determined the cause of mental deficiency to be hereditary. -
1923- Increase of students in special education classes
By 1923, approximately 34,000 students in the United States were enrolled in special education classes. -
1960's- Federal government involvement
President John F. Kennedy spurs fthe beginning of federal government interest in the population of the developmentally delayed due to his sister, Rosemary ,having a developmental delay and living most of her life in an instittution in Wisconsin. -
1970- Parents become advocates
In the 1970's, parents began advocating for public school education for children with disabilities. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
http://idea.ed.gov/In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) were signed. See links for additional information:
http://www.ada.gov/ -
No Child Left Behind
In 2001, there was the Reauthorization of Elementary and Secondaty Education Act was signed under the initiative of No Child Left Behind. See link: